Open Thread–1/12/2011

 Posted by at 12:14 pm  Open Thread, Personal
Jan 122011

I have a full slate of items today and am up to date with comments.  Whether or not I get out to visit blogs depends on how I feel, as I’m still a bit ill.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:44 (average 4:38).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Plutocrap:  A picture is worth a thousand words.


I wondered why that guy looked so familiar!

From Boston Globe: The solar-panel plant is a cornerstone of Governor Deval Patrick’s efforts to make Massachusetts a hub for the emerging clean-energy industry.

But Evergreen has been struggling in face of weak prices and competition from cheaper operations in China, where the government has offered solar companies generous subsidies to locate there. Evergreen itself has a partnership with a company based in China and previously announced plans to shift some work to the overseas location.

To save American jobs, we need an import tax on items that receive government subsidies overseas to level the playing field for US manufacturers.

From Think Progress:

Joining anti-Muslim conspiracy theorist Frank Gaffney on Gaffney’s radio program last week, King [Peter King (R-NY)] doubled down on his promise to launch a witch-hunt against Muslims. He repeated a falsehood that he stated earlier — that American Muslims never cooperate to combat terrorism. But in addition to this claim, King made the extraordinary smear that American Muslims aren’t “American” when it comes to war.

I wonder if this Republican hate monger would have the guts to make that statement in the home of one of the many Muslim families with children serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.  As much as I oppose the wars, their service deserves honor, not bigoted attacks.


Walt Handelsman

Cover your butts to protect against Republicans.  It’s hump day.


  4 Responses to “Open Thread–1/12/2011”

  1. The Klanbaggers are already insisting that easy-access gun laws (and easy-access superpowering enhancements) didn’t have diddly to do with this.

    And they didn’t, right? this was the work of one sick individual, who just happened to have easy access to firepower and firepower enhancements. Can’t blame the GUNS now, can we?

  2. 3:28 Things are looking up. 🙂 3 out of 12

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