Open Thread–1/11/2011

 Posted by at 11:23 am  Open Thread, Personal
Jan 112011

It’s 1/11/11 and we won’t have another day like that until November.  The plumbing in my apartment was finally repaired, and I spent several hours cleaning up the mess.  The Republican Rampage continues to dominate the news, so there is just one main item today.  Comments are up to date, but I don’t know if I shall get out to other blogs, because I’m feeling under the weather.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:40 (average 4:40).  This fellow is horny!  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Right Wing Watch: According to the popular conservative online news website Townhall, Comedy Central host Jon Stewart is the number 28 “most dangerous liberal” in the country.

If only Republicans would use the dangerous weapons Stewart uses.

From Me: I’m sad to announce that Auburn defeated Oregon 22-19 in the BCS Championship, the fifth national title in a row for the SEC, that tends to make sports a business far more than the PAC-10.  The Ducks were no match for Auburn’s offensive and defensive lines, that manhandles Oregon’s throughout the game.  Nevertheless, Oregon kept it close with ingenuity, outsmarting Auburn often.  Were it not for a fluke play, late in the 4th, they might have pulled it out.


Clay Bennett

What’s up in your world?


  4 Responses to “Open Thread–1/11/2011”

  1. 3:59 I feel like the Ducks. I got beat in the final 19 seconds! Even though I am a Husky, I was rooting for the Ducks in this one.

    • As I usually root for the Huskies, unless they are up against the Ducks or Beavs. Didn’t they knock out a national contender this year? Was it Boise State?

  2. Their big win this year during the regular season was beating USC, again, by one point in Los Angeles…and beating the Beavs by one point in double overtime wasn’t so bad either.

    The Ducks, on the other hand, turned the Huskies into dog biscuits.

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