Open Thread–1/7/2011

 Posted by at 10:45 am  Open Thread, Personal
Jan 072011

I remain under the weather, but up to date on comments and returning visits.  My appearances this weekend may be somewhat abbreviated, because Saturday and Sunday are holy days for the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb, the Festival of Wildcards.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:58 (average 5:15).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From CNN: The economy added 103,000 jobs in December — falling short of most expectations. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate sunk to 9.4%, its lowest level since May 2009, confusing some economists.

The confusion surprises me.  Once the stimulus, that Republicans want to undo, began to take effect, the economy added more jobs last year than in all eight years under Bush combined.

From Huffington Post: Two House Republicans have cast votes as members of the 112th Congress, but were not sworn in on Wednesday, a violation of the Constitution on the same day that the GOP had the document read from the podium.

In all things moral, legal and ethical, the Republican Party considers rules things to be enforced on others, not obeyed.

From CREW: Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell has told federal regulators the campaign could not afford finance professionals to oversee its early spending and is now trying to reconcile bank records with its federal spending reports.

O’Dingbat raked in huge from secret Bankster Bucks and deluded Teabaggers, and we’re supposed to believe she couldn’t afford a bookkeeper?  Ha!


Chan Lowe



  6 Responses to “Open Thread–1/7/2011”

  1. Close…but no cigar! 5:02 I’m now 0 for 7. πŸ™

  2. 103K is about what analysts thought they would get. I don’t know why the economists are confused – people dropped off the rolls in Dec – duh, even I know that.

    They are Repubs – the rules don’t apply to them. πŸ™„

    Why doesn’t she try getting a job instead of living off her campaign donations? That might help. πŸ™„

    • Lisa, I think they were expecting more like 140K. But that’s exactly my point.

      Too true.

      Wouldn’t she have to outsource herself to test brooms?

  3. Lisa don’t you know that DE has an 8.4% (as of Aug) unemployment rate. It’s hard out there to find a job in the field of witchcraft.

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