Jan 062011

I’m still feeling down, but I have a full slate of articles today, I’m up to date on comments, and yesterday I finally got out to visit around twenty blogs on our blogroll.  That felt good!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:22 (average 4:35).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From USA Today: Now that he’s made his departure plans public, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs can focus on his next big event: His favorite college football team’s bid for a national title.

And should his Auburn Tigers beat the Oregon Ducks on Monday night, Gibbs says he is planning a special D.C. celebration.

A toilet paper roll on a White House tree.

I hope that damn DINO doesn’t let the door hit is butt on the way out, and my Ducks are going to kick ass!

From Think Progress: Today, the New York radio station WOR announced that Glenn Beck’s nationally syndicated radio show will be dropped on January 17, 2011.

WOR is one of the nation’s largest radio markets.  May all other stations follow suit.

From Mother Jones: With the White House apparently favoring Gene Sperling, currently a counselor to Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and an NEC director during the Clinton years, for the post [NEC Director], some progressives and Wall Street critics have expressed dismay or discouragement, as they point to Sperling’s supposed Wall Street ties. But how upset should they be? Sperling is hardly a Wall Street insider. In fact, he’s the rare economic power-player in Washington who didn’t fully cash in after leaving government service. He might be the wrong guy for this game of political/policy football.

Sperling might not be so bad after all.  David Corn is a credible source and he did his homework for this article.  I encourage you to click through.


Steve Sack

Let’s find Dino’s jobs circumcising conscious gorillas. Devil


  4 Responses to “Open Thread–1/6/2011”

  1. 4:36 My perfect record for the year is still intact 0 for 6.

  2. How dare he dis our Ducks!

    We were invited to watch the game at Cozmic Pizza in Eugene with Peter deFazio. Love ya, Pete, but I can’t sit in those uncomfortable wooden chairs for 3-4 hours.

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