Farewell to a Friend

 Posted by at 11:11 am  Politics
Jan 052011

As an Oregonian, I enjoy some excellent representation.  My Congressman is David Wu.  My Senators are Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley, for whose campaign, I volunteered, hwelping to defeat Gordon Smith, the pseudo-progressive Republican who voted with us whenever we didn’t need him, and against us whenever we did.  None of these, however, are my favorite politician.  As of today, my favorite politician holds no elected office.  I will greatly miss Alan Grayson.  Yesterday Ed Schultz interviewed him, and we should heed his words.

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I hope we have not seen the last of him.  I would support him for any office.


  4 Responses to “Farewell to a Friend”

  1. I’m gonna miss Alan Grayson. 😥

  2. He was one of the few remaining Democrats around. But – he will be BACK!

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