Jan 052011

Most of the time, Iā€™m a Howard Dean fan.  I supported his run for the Presidency, cringed when the MSM turned a non-issue, the scream, into a campaign ending event, and have applauded his success as head of the DNC.  This time, he is just plain wrong!

5DeanHoward Dean weighed in today on the rumors that President Obama is considering former Commerce Secretary William Daley to be his new chief of staff, saying Daley’s appointment would be a "huge plus" for Obama, since he is someone "who knows Washington, but he also is not of Washington."

Dean also spoke harshly of outgoing White House staff, The Hill reports, like senior advisor David Axelrod and White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, saying they’ve treated the left with "contempt."

"As they say, don’t let the door hit you in the you-know-what on the way out," he said at a Christian Science Monitor breakfast today… [emphasis added]

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The last thing America needs is another machine politician with deep Bankster ties.  We need a progressive.  Keith Olbermann and author, Robert Kuttner, agree.

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Kuttner is absolutely correct that there is a difference between business and Wall Street and that, unless Obama changes course, he and we will pay the price in 2012.


  4 Responses to “Howard Dean Supports William Daley”

  1. Though far from perfect, Dean himself would be a much better choice.

  2. When are the Dems going to get a spine? šŸ™„

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