Jan 042011

The Republicans have a new hostage, the faith and credit of the United States.  I first predicted this in November in Republican Roulette with the Debt Ceiling.  I followed it up in December in The Next Republican Hostage.  I discussed how giving in to terrorist demands makes them more likely to take hostages and more recalcitrant in their negotiations in Sorry, Joe. I Don’t Believe You!.  And now we have arrived.  Let me repeat that giving in to Republican demands, no matter what they are, is not an acceptable strategy, because it amounts to giving in to terrorist demands.  Obama and the Democrats in Congress must call their bluff.  Personally, I do not believe they will go through with it.  To do so would write their own political death warrant.  This is not the time for more cowardice.

republican-liesBattle lines are being drawn in Washington with the Obama administration accusing Republicans of playing a dangerous game of chicken over the federal government’s debt limit.

The ABC reports the 112th US Congress begins midweek and Republicans have signalled [sic] they won’t agree to increase the federal debt level.

They also promise early votes on spending cuts and say they will hold investigations into wasteful government spending.

The ABC reports the federal debt limit is $US14 trillion, which the administration says is likely to be reached sometime in March.

Senator Lindsey Graham (South Carolina, Republican) told Meet the Press on NBC on Sunday he would not support a higher debt ceiling unless spending is cut to 2008 levels.

"The last election was about change, change that really will make us something other than Greece," he said.

The US budget deficit was $US1.3 trillion in 2010.

On Face the Nation on CBS, Minnesota Republican representative Michelle Bachmann said:

"Congress has had a big party the last two years. They couldn’t spend enough money and now they’re … taunting us about ‘How are you going to go ahead and solve this big spending crisis?’."… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Radio New Zealand>

They are lying.  Tell them to bring it on.  Chris Hayes and David Frum, former speech writer for Crawford Caligula agree.

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For those that wring their hands, quiver and ask, “But what if the actually do it?”, I say, let them.  As big a tragedy as that would be, allowing the Republicans kill Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Environmental quality, women’s rights, gay rights, civil rights and more, one hostage at a time would be far worse.


  11 Responses to “The Republican Terrorists’ New Hostage”

  1. You want to see what happens when thousands of angry “seniors” don’t get their SS checks on time? It won’t be pretty: I intend to explain to my mortgage company and everybody I’m supposed to pay WHY they are NOT getting any money…….and dare them to do anything against me. 😆

  2. This is bizzaro world. Where do you start? You can’t. This is a tactic the right has used so well and the left is too stupid to learn. Attack on many fronts and none can be defended well. This was a given. Good post TC and I’m glad I saw this.

    My real response is why would people think the dims would start fighting back now?

    The real sick shit that’s going to be passed in the house of (insert your favorite here) is coming round the bend.

  3. Hi TC
    Bruce Bartlett has a good take on the matter at capitalgainsandgames .

  4. I’d like to see the priority payments if the debt ceiling is not raised. It’s not like we’re out of income; it just means we can’t borrow more.

    The obvious first things to not be paid are earmarks that might have been scheduled from the TARP. Any new purchases of ANYTHING would be held off. Of course, the Repubs would want to lay off all Federal workers, but is it really their decision?

    Given that SS and Medicare (barely) still have money, why would they be the first to go?

    I am all for calling their stupid bluff. First priority: no pay for Congressmen, their benefits, and their staffs, then work your way down from there.

    • Marva, I don’t think a priority of payments enters into it. If my understanding is correct, once the ceiling is reached, the well is dry and spending stops.

  5. Congress is not the culprit here—the rich people who just got an extension on their tax breaks are. While the rest of the country stagnates and falls apart, these asses just sit and count their money and demand more. Well, it is high time these jerks COUGH UP A LITTLE to repair our bridges, roads, and invest in green technology! These lazy slackers have been screwing this country for the past 30 years, and it’s time to GIVE SOME BACK!!!

    • Jack, I agree, but at the same time I can understand that they act in their own self interest. Obama and the Democratic leadership in the Senate are equally to blame for giving in to their terrorism.

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