Dec 302010

I slept poorly last night, so I’m a little down today, and my COPD is still flaring up.  Nevertheless, I stayed up to date on comments today and have three good articles to post.  If you’re going out partying tomorrow night, please do so safely.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:48 (average 5:35).  To do it, click here.  This one will dog you!  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From CNN: For the first time in more than two years, the number of Americans filing for their first week of unemployment benefits fell below 400,000 last week — a ray of hope in the one of the longest job droughts in U.S. history.

The number of initial claims fell to 388,000 in the week ended Dec. 25, down 34,000 from the week before, the Labor Department said Thursday.

It may just be seasonal.

From Think Progress: Yet Franklin [a GA State Rep] may have outdone himself with his “Constitutional Tender Act,” which would require all transactions with the state of Georgia — including the payment of taxes — to be paid with U.S. minted gold or silver coins unless the state agrees to grant a special waiver for each transaction.

If this fool gets his way, kiss GA goodbye!


Don Wright

What’s on your mind today?


  6 Responses to “Open Thread–12/30/2011”

  1. 8:08 TC.
    Happy New Year man, hope it’s a good one for you and all of us.
    Paying all debt with gold/silver coins? Idiotic for so many reasons. Any coin like that would be hopelessly debased, content wise. Else they’d be expensive and would get bought up immediately.And as if we’re gonna go back to 18th century commerce. In reference to your Republican brain post, mention of ” constitution” and gold/silver in the same sentence would cause teabaggers tiny hard hearts to beat faster.

  2. So I guess my secret stash of Kuggerands wouldn’t be accepted in Georgia eh? To bad I guess I won’t be paying any taxes there anytime soon. I could use paper money to buy a soda but have to use US Minted gold or silver to pay the taxes. Yes sir that is brilliant!

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