Aug 142019

Here is the one hundred sixty-fifth article in our Republicans on Parade series, featuring individuals who personify what the Republican Party has become. Today’s winner is Trump’s Republican Acting Director of Citizenship and Immigration Services, Ken Cuccinelli. He is so honored for rewriting Emma Lazarus’ poem about Lady Liberty, converting it to racist Republican propaganda.


It’s practically a parody of Trumpian ignorance and bigotry: Ken Cuccinelli, the acting director of US Citizenship and Immigration Services, offering a rewrite of the famous Emma Lazarus poem inscribed on the Statue of Liberty.

Instead of reading “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,” Cuccinelli suggested–in answer to a reporter’s question about whether he agreed with Lazarus’s poem–that maybe it should say, “Give me your tired and your poor who can stand on their own two feet and who will not become a public charge.”

This is in line with a new Trump administration regulation that could dramatically reduce the number of legal immigrants to the United States by allowing officials to reject green card and visa applicants if they are low-income, have little education or have ever relied on social assistance programs like Medicaid or food stamps. “This will help Citizenship and Immigration Services objectively determine whether the applicant is likely at any time in the future to receive public benefits,” Cuccinelli wrote in a CNN op-ed… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <CNN>

I strongly suspect that right-wing Caucasians from Europe would automatically pass the Republican tests.

Lawrence O’Donnell exposes his hate and hypocrisy.


He’s way lower than a sleaze bag. He’s a Republican!



  7 Responses to “Republicans on Parade – 8/14/2019”

  1. Some right-wing Caucasians from Europe would pass the Republican tests. However, some, like some of ours, are thugs.

    Cuccinelli will be remembered for having done his utmost to make “sodomy” illegal in Virginia. It was so blatant that it was theorized that the reason his opposition was so violent was that Mrs. Cuccinelli wanted oral, and he was such a wimp he needed to make it illegal in order to hold out. There was even a mock petition: “Mrs. Cuccinelli, please stop asking your husband for oral!”

    Of course it’s apartheid. “Separate but equal” NEVER actually existed. It was ALWAYS “separate and unequal.”

  2. Such a sickening and horrible, hateful comment! 

    Lawrence, well said!! 

  3. Ken Cuccinelli!  I find no positive connotations associated with that snark!  Of course he’s in the Dumpy admin.
    Is there anything about Cuccinelli that is connected to being socially redeemable?
    ON a different tack: I will be off line for the next few days.  “See”you all next week.

  4. You picked a perfect fit for this weeks Repugs on Parade. 
    He like his leader is a disgrace to our country.
    Being so heartless and having this title makes no sense to me. 
    I agree with Pat regarding Lawrence.

  5. I mused before that Trump must be scraping the bottom of the barrel, trying to find replacements for those in his administration who were fired or left on their own accord. However, Trump managed to come up with someone even worse than their predecessor and willing to go the distance for Trump. Trump’s magic hat must be connected to some black hole or some other dark forbidden place where they are continuously cloning replacements, ready to be pulled out by their ears.

  6. Thanks, Hugs, and Amen to all. 35

  7. Looks as though the Orange Ogre has switched pissing on the Constitution for pissing on the Statue of Liberty. What the blue blazes happened to welcome all immigrants? What happened to welcoming all LEGAL immigrants? Money talks, and what it says 90% of the time these days is “F### the poor!”

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