Dec 292010

I caught up with comments this morning.  There were very few.  News is still hard to come by, but I have a couple interesting items for you.  My own year end chores have me busier than a psychiatrist with a ward full of Teabaggers.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:51 (average 4:58)(The Critter is drooling! Winking smile).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty: The Cuban Commission of Human Rights’ Elizardo Sanchez says the country’s Supreme Court has changed the sentence of a former Cuban exile convicted of murder, reducing his death sentence to 30 years in jail.

The court earlier this month commuted the death sentences for two other men to 30 years.

The decision removes the only person on death row in Cuba.

I’m pleased to see Cuba joining the civilized nations of the world. Now if only the US would follow suit.

From The Washington Independent: WorldNetDaily reports that the inclusion of GOProud, a gay Republican — or, in WND parlance, a “homosexual activist” — organization, in the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) has caused the Family Research Council and Concerned Women for America to announce they will skip the next conference, which will be held in Washington in February.

I still thing that gay folks joining GOProud is like black folks joining the KKK.

From Truthdig: “The last American soldier will leave Iraq” after the pre-negotiated 2011 deadline, regardless of any rumblings among American officials, says Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

May it be so, but I’ll believe it when I see it.


Henry Payne

Hump day is suspended until Congress reconvenes in one week.


  6 Responses to “Open Thread–12/29/2010”

  1. RE: The cartoon.
    My wife and I attended their first win this season against St Louis. 44-3. Anything is now possible.

  2. “psychiatrist in a room fulla teabaggers”
    ROFL TC!

  3. Yes, Critter was drooling. I slipped a little on the wet spot, but came in at 4:36. 😎

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