Aug 022019

The move yesterday was horrid.  The movers arrived a 7:45 PM.  WWWendy left and I went to bed at 12:45 AM.  Not used to the shiny new CatBox, I slept poorly, and I feel exhausted.  The cable installation was as professional as the move was inexcusable.  His service was above and beyond the call.  This is my only article today.  I should have more tomorrow.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:49 (average 5:51).  To do it, click here. How did you do?



  9 Responses to “Personal Update – 8/2/2019”

  1. Oh! So sorry to read of your movers being late (ugh) ,and all that transpired.
    Glad you’re back online though!
    Now, go get your rest, TC, and take good care!
    Kudos to Wendy for helping you too.

  2. Sorry that your move is not going well. You are in good company – I’ve never had a bad move, but know people who have horror stories.

    If Abraham Lincoln was alive today, he would definitely be a Democrat!

  3. Puzzle — 5:12  Well at least I am below the average.

    BTW, the last three days have not had a puzzle link that opened in a new window so I fixed them.  Probably pending and post move fatigue!

    Cartoon — Woo Hoo!!!  Well at least something went right.  The movers must have been Republicans!

    Cartoon 2 — I know for a fact that Honest Abe is rolling in his grave as a result of today’s Republican bullshit!

  4. 5:02 Rushing to put away that orange. Orange only looks good on cats.

    I have not seen this anywhere else (I gather there is much about it on Twitter) and I consider it a “must-see.” As are the comments.

    Apparently Moving Day is coming to resemble Groundhog Day. I hope that ends shortly!

    Cartoon – Oh, Dear God, the poor man! He wasn’t perfect, nobody is, but he was a genuine human being with moral standards. How long since the GOP has had one of them?

  5. So sorry to hear about the nightmare you went through. I can’t believe that the movers came so late. Must of been on foreign time??? Sure hope you get to bed early and get caught up with the sleep you need.
    Cartoon: Happy TC is online.
    Cartoon: Agree with Freya.

  6. HOME SWEET HOME!  (Even if the move itself wasn’t)

    And what a view!

  7. So glad it’s done, hope you settle in nicely TC!

  8. Thanks, pooped hugs and Amen to all. 19

  9. Sorry I’m late to see this, but I’m glad you are past the hell of a bad move, and at home in your new pad.

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