Dec 282010

The next few days will be busy ones for me, because I track so many things on my computer, from my budget to health logs that preparing for January one promises to consume several hours.  In addition, my research is taking more time than usual, because items worth covering are few and far between, making them harder to find.  Two out of todays three main items probably would not have made the cut during normal times.  The final report for Lefty Bloggers Plus will be a couple days late.  One of the NFL games was postponed until tonight and then I need to make the award graphics.  But I am current on comment replies.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:39 (average 4:19) To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From News Hounds: Bill O’Reilly says that radical Muslims are the reason behind what he claims is a global "Muslim problem." It’s ironic, don’t ya think, that while Bill invokes images of jihadi mullahs and imams, his calls to action seem to be cut from the same playbook. His views, regarding social issues, also dovetail nicely with that of the Taliban and when Christian "mullah" O’Reilly talks, people listen. When he urged his fans to contact a cartoonist who published unflattering images of Bill, his followers sent e-mail death threats.

Isn’t it ironic how both the Christianity and Islam have pseudo-believers given to political extremism, and the the powerful, right-wing, super-rich both cultures fund and support the extremists?

From Washington Post: A human rights group said Tuesday the U.S. government has refused assistance to Polish prosecutors investigating whether the CIA maintained a secret prison in Poland.

For the Obama administration to impede investigations about Bush/Republican war crimes on their own soil is criminal in itself.

From Think Progress: Huckabee, who has a history of using his ubiquitous media presence to fundraise for political groups benefiting himself and his family, is again associating with a shady political venture. ThinkProgress has learned that Huckabee is working with a firm notorious for defrauding families facing foreclosure with false promises and predatory fees.

By his willing to support Bankster crime demonstrates his pseudo-Christianity.  Supply-side Jesus (the Republican invention, not the real Jesus) would be so proud of him!


Jack Ohman

This Tuesday, call your Representative or Senator to say what’s on your mind.


  4 Responses to “Open Thread–12/28/2010”

  1. 3:55 At least I broke 4 minutes. πŸ™‚

  2. Too good not to share: Elephants playing in the snow at the Berlin Zoo!

    Photos here:×83371

    YouTube clip here:

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