Dec 242010

On Wednesday, I posted Action Alert: Stop the Republican Filibuzzards!, in which I discussed the need for filibuster reform.  In Yesterday’s Open Thread–12/23/2010, I added that all returning Senate Democrats have signed a letter to Harry Reid in support of considering filibuster reform.  Last Night Rachel Maddow, with columnist Gail Collins, broadcast an excellent piece on the subject.  After the video, I’ll tie up a couple loose ends.

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Tom122007_Painting_PaintingThe idea that Democrats fear changing the rules, because they may want to use the filibuster should Republicans take power.  That’s a fool’s reason.  When Democrats filibustered just a few of Bush’s most heinous nominees during the session before last, Republicans held the rules hostage and threatened a nuclear option.  Now that Republicans have made 41 votes rule the status quo when they are in the minority, changing it will be the first thing they do when they are in the majority.  The rules will change.  Take that to the bank.  The only question is whether or not Democrats will do it first to their own benefit.

The notion that all Senators would like to be like Jim Bunning once in a while could be more worrisome than Rachel and Gail seemed to think.  Changing the rules will require Senators to give up a measure of individual power.  In the process, they will gain collective power.  However, it could still be problematic in a collection of 50 of America’s biggest egos.

Finally, my thanks to Jeff Merkley (D-OR), the Senator for whose campaign I volunteered.  His persistent leadership has helped make this possible.

The 5th of January awaits.


  10 Responses to “Video Update: Filibuster Reform”

  1. I can’t wait to see what happens – will the Dems finally grow a spine? 🙄

  2. I would be happy if at least they went back to making people actually stand up and talk – in other words, actually DO the filibuster – that would cut way back on how many actually happen.

    TC, have a wonderful Christmas if I don’t get back here again before tomorrow!

  3. “During the 1930s, Senator Huey P. Long effectively used the filibuster against bills that he thought favored the rich over the poor. The Louisiana senator frustrated his colleagues while entertaining spectators with his recitations of Shakespeare and his reading of recipes for “pot-likkers.” Long once held the Senate floor for 15 hours. The record for the longest individual speech goes to South Carolina’s J. Strom Thurmond who filibustered for 24 hours and 18 minutes against the Civil Rights Act of 1957.”

    A little fun history.

    Peace and fulfillment to everyone.

  4. As long as they don’t “reform” it to the point where they can’t use it when they’re in the minority again… 🙄

    Happy Holidays, TomCat 🙂

  5. BRAVO!!!!! I am all for a Senate rules change! The notion that 60 votes, and not a mere 50 or 51, is what it takes to get anything done is an absolute insult to every American voter! Let’s restore sanity to the Senate and end Republican rule-abusing once and for all!!!

    Merry Christmas, TomCat! A Senate rules change would be a most excellent present.

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