Jun 302019

I had a post put together this morning, then it dawned on me that Friday was Sarah Huckabee Sanders last day as Twitler’s “Press Secretary”.  And since I’m sure she was thinking something like Nixon: “You won’t have Sanders to kick around anymore” – I didn’t want to miss the opportunity for a serious review of her “contributions” from the Twitler White House.

So, it was back to the drawing board …

First of all, I think we can agree that Press Secretary Sanders was not nearly as easy to mock as Twitler’s first Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, was …


But, she has had her moments.  So let’s begin our sojourn with Sarah’s “Service” such as it was

Most assuredly she was well taught by Sean Spicer how to always shift the blame away from Twitler:


As a physician it appears she has a ptosis of her right eye.  This is most certainly not her fault nor a moral shortcoming.  But it has raised the question …


From the git-go, she welcomed going toe-to-toe with the infamous Liar of Iraq – Baghdad Bob


One of the truly frustrating things is that she was PAID to lie to Americans EVERY SINGLE TIME SHE TALKED!

But in her defense, we must agree her bright and cheery countenance and demeanor – just like Mary Tyler Moore – was always a refreshing welcome …


When she was ensconced by her Right-Wing Zealots, she was fine.  But if she ventured out into the real-world, like dining out, she realized she was truly a pariah …

Not to get too picayunish, but I think you’d agree that at times she did have some wardrobe selection faux pas



And even though she had support from the most-evil of Twitler Aides – like Stephen Miller


She finally realized that supporting Twitler’s endless lies was NOT the wisest career choice …


Realizing what an abject failure she was, she paid Miss Piggy (who knows how many MILLIONS) to fill in for her …

But despite all her efforts to distance herself from Twitler, Washington Post has still crowned her the well-deserved title of “Queen of Gaslighting”





  8 Responses to “Sunday Smile: So Long, Sarah!”

  1. Amen Nameless! 04

    Upchuckabee, BEGONE!

  2. Cross posted to Care2 HERE

    • I don’t exactly wish her ill – I do hope she never gets another position where she can do even close to as much harm as she did in this one (no Governorship for her.)

  3. I will miss her flagrant and blatant lies, her snotty replies to our press, her disdain to the reporters in the room, and her devotion on showing up, or perhaps, more than not…for not showing up. 

    I wish her well on saying more lies in the private sector, or where ever she shows up.
    Truth be told!!! or not!! Bye, Felicia!!! 

    (Her successor will prove no better either.)

    Thanks, Nameless for this trip down memory lane, love the pics!! 
    and Joanne for cross-posting. 

  4. Beautifully done!!!!

  5. oops..”I will NOT miss her flagrant lies…etc….”….. sorry about that…

  6. One less POS 💩 in the W.H.!!

  7. Thanks for giving us this last laugh at Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Nameless. Wonderfully done. But it will not prevent us from forgetting what’s-her-name and dreading her successor.

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