Jun 252019

The author of my source article recommends a tactic for Democratic 2020 candidates, and I think I agree.  Senate candidates, especially, should not run against Trump.  They should run against the only major politician, who is even more hated than Trump is.  And who might that be?  Who else!  Run against Bought Bitch Mitch!

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) arguably was everything President Donald Trump stood for politically long before Trump was even taken seriously as a presidential candidate.

Gallons of ink have been spilled about how he is a worse threat to democratic institutions than Trump. He has blocked any and all progressive reform, engineered a right-wing takeover of the federal courts, rewrote Senate rules to enforce GOP ideology, and did all in his power to undermine campaign finance and corruption laws. In the historical record, he is probably matched in his power and anti-democratic tendencies only by Joseph Gurney Cannon, the early 20th century House speaker who essentially ruled Congress with an iron fist.

McConnell is also one of the most toxic and despised politicians in America — even more than Trump. And some Democratic strategists now believe the key to winning in 2020 is to make the election a referendum on him.

According to the Huffington Post, a poll conducted by End Citizens United across 10 battleground states showed that anti-McConnell messaging is more effective than anti-Trump messaging. Democrats started with a 3-point advantage on the generic ballot, but among voters who were exposed to messaging about McConnell, it grew to a 12-point advantage. Trump messaging only generated a 6-point advantage…. [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Raw Story>

Let me start with the caveat that running against any representative of the evils of the Republican Reich will not put Democratic butts in elected seats, unless it is secondary to  this.  Democratic candidates must also demonstrate to voters how Democratic policies will make voters’ lives better.

That said, every Democrat running for the Senate should paint their Republican opponent with this image.



  9 Responses to “Run Against Bought Bitch Mitch!”

  1. If everyone in the US were as politically literate as we are, this would be a sure thing. However, if everyone in the US were as politically literate as we are, Mitch would already be gone. There are huge swaths of people who have zero idea who Mitch McConnell is, even though he is the ruler of the Senate and is married to a Chinese spy. It’s a good idea, but it will require some educating – in some districts more than in others, of course. Like you, I agree that it cannot be more than one tool in the toolbox. But it is a good tool to have in there.

  2. Good points, and most importantly, getting rid of MM will do the Nation well by his termination. He’s been in there long enough, and has done damage to this Nation consistently. Get him out!

  3. Boy, if I only had some magic power invested in my having that same first name, he’s be history sooooo fast!  He is a major reason that the political arena is so divided.  Running against him, as in the Dems have to get the majority position in the Senate, sounds like a wonderful idea.

  4. As I’ve noted before …

  5. Sign me up to help his opponent!

  6. I agree with all others here, that he needs to be voted out of office.
    He’s done nothing positive for our country.
    He’s so set into his negative ways, that have caused us more misery.

  7. Thanks, Huga and Amen to all. 03

  8. I would be very happy to see him leave the Senate.

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