May 242019

It’s true – Twitler did brag that …

“I went to an Ivy League school. I’m very highly educated.

I know words — I have the best words.”

And because of that, I get another week to work on “The Project”.

Having spent summers as a kid, plus a year-and-a-half after residency (while one of my uncles bravely battled cancer) on the family farm, one learns to “Make hay while the sun shines.”

So when Twitler chalked up one more of his achomlishments by handing us another spelling gift, I decided to run with it.

Probably no typo/neologism of his has left more of a culture impact than last May 31, middle-of-the-night Tweet that began and ended “Despite the constant negative press covfefe.”

But yesterday after his choreographed temper tantrum with Speaker Pelosi and Sen. Schumer then storming out to his pre-planned “spontaneous” press conference carrying his handwritten notes, we were treated to a twofer: ACHOMLISHMENTS & INTENTIALLY (he tends to capitalize ad lib).

So Twitter wasn’t going to let this pass by without weighing in – so let’s enjoy a few of them!

It all started when Dan Eggen spotted a WaPo photo of Twitler’s notes, and noticed the spelling errors.

His spelling was so egregious even Spellcheck wasn’t able to help:

So in lieu of a regular Presidential Debate, someone suggested a Spelling Bee:

And my favorite:

But there have been so many – I mean who can forget his feeding mammoth numbers of “Hamberders” to the Clemson Tigers?  And Trump has also referred to the plane as “Air Force Once,” hoped for “lasting peach” in the Middle East, bragged that his presidency was “enormously consensual,” called the Marine Corps “the Marine Core,” hoped that those suffering in Texas after Hurricane Harvey would be “heeling”, and called an act by China “unpresidented.”

But there really are too many to count: “WH council” “tapp my phones” “no challenge is to great” “attaker” “San Bernadino” “Demakr” “I hear by demand a second investigation” … and MORE.  All these quotes are from our “extremely stable genius”.

Makes you proud to be an American, doesn’t it?

But to hone your skills at spotting his numerous spelling and grammar gaffes, how about a little practice?  (We know how nervous Twitler would react if I said “Test” – so I’m going with “practice”.)

Some are easy-peasy and some are pretty tough.  There can be more than one in each post.  Some will be actual Tweets and some have to be photos because one of his aides corrected it, so it’s no longer available.

I’ll post the answers tomorrow to give you plenty of time.



Absolutely no one was spared …

Not even his own Official Inaugural Poster got a proofreading:


Talk about being “Dumb as a rock …”


  7 Responses to “Friday Fun: Trump – “I know words — I have the best words.””

  1. Cross posted to Care2 HERE

    • I have to say, anyone who can break autocorrupt has truly achomlished something.

      Quiz –

      1. “smocking gun” x 2
      2. “White House Councel” (bonus for “Democrat” vice “Democratic”? Naaah, that was deliberate.)
      3. “played no roll”
      4. “Thank you for your email.” (WTF?)
      5. “will loose” (alas, many people do that)
      6. “pour over” (alas, see #5)
      7. “Boarder Security”
      8. “seperation” (not as common as 5 & 6, but also not limited to him)
      9. “Somolia”
      10. “tarrifs” (I’ll bet he can’t spell “sheriff” either, though.)
      11. “Melanie” (I hope he got in t-r-o-u-b-l-e for that!)
      12. “to great”

      I must feel sorry for future generations of Americans who will never even hear the word “malapropism” because it will be repaced by “trumpism.” SAD!

  2. Very enjoyable stuff, Nameless. I’m a notoriously bad speller both in Dutch and English and wouldn’t dare to post anything without the spelling checker running, which doesn’t catch typos like ‘to’ for ‘too’, though. But I did catch the same mistakes Joanne did, except for #4, where I think “agreemnet” is a typo the speller should have caught, but not the “appropriations legislation”. #6 “best selling” needs hyphen (in US English).

    We could also talk about the incredibly bad grammar, but it’s probably best not to go there.

    • I certainly did miss “agreemnet” – mea culpa.  “Best selling” I can go either way on.  “Appropriations legislation” I think is clumsy but technically correct – meaning legislation concerning appropriating money for a purpose or purposes.  Like you, I’m not going there on he grammar.  He’d just claim it’s “for emphasis,” like his idiosyncratic capitalizations.

  3. Thanks, Nameless.  Has he reaches sub-zero IQ yet? 02

  4. Unstable imbecile!

  5. Gawd, isn’t he just horrible? Besides his spelling, and his language, I get irked (bigly) just by his mannerisms, and how he carries himself.
    Add two more: misspellings in the WH letter: agreemnet- agreement/immediatly-immediately 

    Thanks, Nameless for your great post, and Joanne for cross-posting. 

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