May 102019

I’m sure we’ve all been amazed by the phenomenal success of James Holzhauer on Jeopardy.  His 22-game winning streak has now netted him more than $1.6 MILLION!  We’ll see how he does when the show resumes on May 20th.  He’s certainly earned his Jeopardy Hall of Fame status!

But he hasn’t gotten ALL right answers (or actually “Questions”) ALL the time.  So I thought it be fun to give you the chance to test your knowledge with the stumpers that James missed.



[But as we all know, they’re actually formatted as “Answers”]

(The first line is the Category name that Jeopardy used)

[1] We Will Rock You:

In 2018 this band “didn’t have a dime but I always had a vision, always had high, high hopes.”


[2] American History:

A 1975 N.Y. Daily News headline after this man opposed a federal bailout: “To City: Drop Dead.”


[3] Phrase Origins:

19th-century exhibitions saw fire brigades competing either using water, or in one of these, now a term for a practice effort.


[4] American History:

On June 1, 1660, Mary Dyer, one of this religious sect’s “Boston martyrs,” was hanged on Boston Common.


[5] The First Winner:

In 1903 Maurice Garin was its first winner in 94 hours, 33 minutes, 14 seconds.


[6] Holidays and Observances:

Constitution Day is September 17; this related set is celebrated every December 15.


[7] Route ’66:

Modern auto safety took a big step in 1966 as LBJ signed bills mandating seat belts and rupture-resistant these.


[8] Monet-Punny:

A common sight was walking around Monet, who worked outdoors, as in a cliff walk in this Channel-side French region.


[9] Don’t Tread on Meme:

A 2016 interview with this Batman actor found him looking sad; the internet then made him the meme we deserve.


[10] Ballet:

The creators of 1943’s “Fancy Free” called each other Lenny & Jerry — Leonard Bernstein and this choreographer.


[11] Let’s Go to the Wildlife Refuge:

More than 5,000 of these big deer spend winters at the Wyoming national refuge named for them.


[12] Journalists:

Often called the first “war” one of these, Crimean war reporter William Howard Russell preferred “special” one.


[13] American Poetry:

Frank O’Hara’s most famous poem is “The Day Lady Died,” in which he reads about this jazz singer’s death in 1959.


[14] The Civil War:

On July 21, 1861, the Union attacked the Confederates near a stone bridge crossing this creek in the first battle of it.


[15] Music Festivals:

At the Montreux Jazz Festival, you might see smoke on the water of this Swiss lake’s shoreline.


[16] Science Central:

In 1916, the great chemist Gilbert Lewis called the central part of an atom this, a word we use for the seed of an apricot pit.


[17] Movies in the DirectTV Guide:

“Two hit men, a boxer, a crime boss, and others meet their fates over the course of two days.”


[18] Greek Cuisine:

Made in the Vytina region, the first type of this sweetener does not crystallize.


[19] Crazy Weather We’re Having!:

In 2013 there were 114-degree temps in La Rioja, the wine belt of this South American country.


[20] Breaks and Livers:

The portal vein brings venous blood to the liver, while this artery brings oxygenated arterial blood.


[21] The Franklin Institute:

Beethoven & Mozart wrote for this instrument that Ben Franklin created, which he said gave him the greatest personal satisfaction of all his inventions


[22] Press Your Luck:

Permanent press is a process where fabric gets chemically treated to make it resistant to these.


[23 Final Jeopardy:

This inductee into the Video Hall of Fame sold 17 million copies of a video cassette she released in 1982.


To break up the Q&A sections, how about a few photos of cute cats proving that they can sleep anywhere and in any position?



[But as we all know, they’re actually formatted as “Questions”]


[1] We Will Rock You:

Holzhauer’s guess: Fall Out Boy

Answer: Panic! At the Disco


[2] American History:

Holzhauer’s guess: Ed Koch

Answer: Gerald Ford


[3] Phrase Origins:

Holzhauer’s guess: A skirmish

Answer: Dry run


[4] American History:

Holzhauer’s guess: The Puritans

Answer: The Quakers


[5] The First Winner:

Holzhauer’s guess: Paris to Dakur

Answer: Tour de France


[6] Holidays and Observances:

Holzhauer’s guess: The Articles of Confederation

Answer: Bill of Rights


[7] Route ’66:

Holzhauer’s guess: Airbags

Answer: Fuel tanks


[8] Monet-Punny:

Holzhauer’s guess: Brittany

Answer: Normandy


[9] Don’t Tread on Meme:

Holzhauer’s guess: Christian Bale

Answer: Ben Affleck


[10] Ballet:

Holzhauer’s guess: Herman

Answer: Jerome Robbins


[11] Let’s Go to the Wildlife Refuge:

Holzhauer’s guess: Moose

Answer: Elk


[12] Journalists:

Holzhauer’s guess: Photographer

Answer: Correspondent


[13] American Poetry:

Holzhauer’s guess: Ella Fitzgerald

Answer: Billie Holiday


[14] The Civil War:

Holzhauer’s guess: The Manassas

Answer: First Battle of Bull Run


[15] Music Festivals:

Holzhauer’s guess: Lucerne

Answer: Lake Geneva


[16] Science Central:

Holzhauer’s guess: The stone

Answer: Kernel


[17] Movies in the DirectTV Guide:

Holzhauer’s guess: “Snatch.”

Answer: “Pulp Fiction”


[18] Greek Cuisine:

Holzhauer’s guess: Sugar

Answer: Honey


[19] Crazy Weather We’re Having!:

Holzhauer’s guess: Chile

Answer: Argentina


[20] Breaks and Livers:

Holzhauer’s guess: Pulmonary

Answer: Hepatic


[21] The Franklin Institute:

Holzhauer’s guess: Glass flute

Answer: Glass harmonica


[22] Press your luck:

Holzhauer’s guess: Stains

Answer: Wrinkles


[23 Final Jeopardy:

Holzhauer’s guess: Madonna

Answer: Jane Fonda


I was actually surprised by a few of the ones he actually missed.

So, how did you do? 





  11 Responses to “Friday Fun: Jeopardy Questions That Stumped Champ James Holzhauer”

  1. I did not do greatly, but I did get some of his misses, as I’ve done while watching at home: Billie Holiday, wrinkles, Argentina, Elk, Fuel Tanks, Tour de France, 

  2. Cross posted to Care2 HERE

    • I have to confess, I stopped watching Jeopardy! when they changed the time it is shown locally to 4:00 p.m. and I was still working. I just never picked it back up. It’s not that I don’t care. I have received over 700 trivia quiz emails from Ken Jennings (and done very badly … partly because I refuse to google.) Does anyone know how Alex is doing with his battle with cancer?

      I think I got these, maybe …
      #9 Who is Heath Ledger?
      #10 Who is Jerome Robbins?
      #11 What are elk?
      #12 What is correspondent?
      #13 Who is Billie Holiday?
      #14 What is Bull Run?
      #16 What is nucleus?
      #21 What is the glass harmonica?
      #22 What are wrinkles?

      I did think Mary might have been a Quaker, but was not confident enough to guess. I see I missed #9 and #16 … still got 7 – about par for me.

  3. I’m neither familiar with Jeopardy nor James Holzhauer, but given the questions here he’s missed, his must be a fantastic achievement.

    Thankfully your sleeping cats made up for feeling despondent about my ignorance, Nameless. I did no better than: Tour de France, Normandy, Billie Holiday, Lake Geneva, honey and wrinkles.

  4. I’ve only seen a couple of the Jeopardy shows.
    Since the baseball season started at the end of March, I’ve been watching the local Padres games here in San Diego, which are on at the same time they show Jeopardy.
    Enjoyed the post.

  5. i too am not familiar with Jeopardy nor James Holzhauer, obviously we don’t get it in Oz.

  6. What a great educational post, that…I’m sharing with family.

    I got a few correct…but not as many as I should have. 
    Back years ago, I watched the show, but now, I don’t. 
    I do wish good thoughts to Alex, and wish him the very Best that there is. 

    Thanks, Nameless for post,
    and Joanne for cross-posting. 

  7. hope the heat breaks soon and so does your COPD

  8. Thanks Nameless.  Only 8. 03

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