Looking back at all the acts of quid pro quo, inductive reasoning makes it clear that the Resident of the United States rules more on Russia’s behalf than for the people of the US. It was not so easy to see back in the early days of the Republican Reich. Fortunately, we had a national hero in those early days. Andrew McCabe preserved the data we would need to investigate, before Republicans could make it disappear.
Andrew G. McCabe, the former deputy F.B.I. director, said in an interview aired on Thursday that top Justice Department officials became so alarmed by President Trump’s decision in May 2017 to fire James B. Comey, the bureau’s director, that they discussed whether to recruit cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Mr. Trump from office.
The dire concerns about the president’s actions also prompted Mr. McCabe to order the bureau’s team investigating Russia’s election interference to look into whether Mr. Trump had obstructed justice by firing Mr. Comey. The F.B.I. also began examining whether Mr. Trump had been working on behalf of Russia against American interests.
Mr. McCabe’s explosive remarks were made in an interview with “60 Minutes” scheduled to air in full on Sunday. He was promoting his memoir, “The Threat: How the F.B.I. Protects America in the Age of Terror and Trump,” which will be released next week.
Mr. McCabe said he spoke to Mr. Trump just after Mr. Comey was fired, and the next day he met with the team investigating Russia’s election interference.
“I was very concerned that I was able to put the Russia case on absolutely solid ground, in an indelible fashion,” Mr. McCabe said. “That were I removed quickly, or reassigned or fired, that the case could not be closed or vanish in the night without a trace.”… [emphasis added]
Inserted from <NY Times>
You can learn a lot more from the following two video clips.
The first concentrates on McCabe.
The second also shows part of Trump’s tantrum in reaction.
I, for one, am damn glad he was there!
10 Responses to “A National Hero”
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Scary times back then, and scarier times now. McCabe should get a medal for his actions, after having worked for the FBI for 21 years, with honorable service to the country. I’ll have to watch the show on Sunday.
#2. dt tries every day to subvert any truthful information, and anyone who speaks up and out about him, gets fired. Lots of them. Good video.
Will also try to see the show. That the Resident has has yet another tantrum, is not unusual, virtually not even news, at this point.
Nameless, if you see this, please check out a posting of mine, earlier today, and let me (us) know what your unofficial medical opinion is about it:
Nameless, if you se this, please look at a posting done earlier today, and give me/us your unofficial medical opinion:
#1 Thank goodness Andrew McCabe got the ball rolling and made sure his data would be safe from small meddling hands.
#2 Drumpf has a temper tantrum every time he doesn’t get his way or someone says something about him that he doesn’t like.
Good for McCabe! We need lots and lots of people like him to oppose the Tangerine Twit and his depraved schemes. Trump is evil incarnate – and in-orange-ate.
I agree that McCabe is a national hero, and I hope no one will think I am trying to diminish him when I say that taking action to protect investigations, especially serious and explosive ones, is standard investigative procedure. Investigators always need to be watching their backs.
Does anyone think that Special Counsel Mueller is not doing the same, every blessed day? Yes, we still need to be doing everything we can to ensure that he and his investigation receive protection from Congress. But we don’t need to despair either. Action is under weigh.
McCabe’s revelation aren’t really unexpected and mostly just add to that huge pile of bits and pieces speaking out against Drumpf and his cronies. But it all begs the question when America is going to move forward and stop wallowing in what happened in 2016 and every little detail that comes out about it.
With Barr now positioned to keep Mueller’s report completely away from the public and as far away from Congress as possible, chances are that the report is dead in the water while Drumpf and his administration continue to wreak havoc on all of us. That just mustn’t be allowed to happen.
Drumpf can dog whistle, or rather lobby, all he wants, he can’t stop people dedicated to both truth-finding and truth-telling to get their message out. I’m sure McCabe’s book is just as interesting and revealing to read as Comey’s was.
Agree with many others that Mr. McCabe is a hero. I too thank Mr. McCabe for all that he has done.
Same goes for what Mueller has done and is still doing with the investigation.
They just better let us know what the final conclusion is when the report is released.
No more hiding the facts/information from us.
Andrew G McCabe has a book coming out 18 February 2019 titled “The Threat” and that will be my next read (I am half way through James Clappers book “Facts and Fears”). In it, he apparently lambastes Sessions and Drumpf. See the AlterNet article: ‘You all only hired Irishmen’: Andrew McCabe’s new book torches Jeff Sessions’ racism and his mental faculties.
Andrew McCabe is someone willing to go to the mat for his country. Isn’t that the way it is supposed to be for national law enforcement? That scares Trump because he could never be like that — the Narcissist-in-Chief! His strategy — get rid of people who show him up like McCabe and Comey.
Trump is a US grade A LOSER!