Feb 082019

It’s not quite as frigid as it was yesterday as the temperature has risen to 29° F.  The winter storm warning begins this afternoon.  I’m listening to the Whittaker hearing.  He’s obstructing and evading. Do you care to guess what else the Republican is doing?  TGIF!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:28 (average 4:31).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Jeff Bezos Accuses National Enquirer Owner Of Blackmail


AMI, a bunch of peckers, are the Republican Reichsministry of propaganda, Faux Noise, in print. However, after the coming lawsuit, I hope Bezos runs the company better than the Republican Reich has. RESIST!!

From YouTube (Media Matters Channel): MSNBC and CNN figures shut down Fox News’ and Trump’s caravan fearmongering


May the only ones to believe the Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise, on caravans (or anything else) be Republicans, whose love life is BAA-A-A-A-AAD! RESIST!!

From The New Yorker: Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s facial expression during the State of the Union address came under continued attack from Republicans on Thursday, with the former House Speaker John Boehner joining the chorus of disapproval.

“When I saw her with that pained expression on her face, I couldn’t believe my eyes,” Boehner said. “It was like nothing I had ever seen before in my life.”

The former Speaker said that Ocasio-Cortez broke his “No. 1 rule” of reacting to a State of the Union speech: “No matter what the President is saying, be sure to look cheerful and upbeat at all times.”


Dang Andy! A picture is worth a thousand words! RESIST!!


A Republican Holy Day


  20 Responses to “Open Thread – 2/8/2019”

  1. 3:40 Close … Maybe Squatch can save him.

    Petition to oppose Trump and Bolton’s Venezuelan coup.

    So why exactly is this story not on front pages? Asking for a friend.

    Someone at Daily Kos found this on Reddit, and it’s just too funny not to share.

    MSNBC – Bezos is not stupid. And he can’t be fired. Of course this is what he would do. In a way, it wasn’t even brave. It wouldn’t be hard for him to guess that doing what he did would make him look like a hero, and forget the dirty details. Now the question is … how did they get the pix? Through a government? If so, which one? US, Saudi? Russia? Or, did his girl friend’s borhter, a friend of Carter Page and a blind dumb Trumper. The latter scenario is literally operatic – Opera: Rigoletto. Character: Sparafucile (Sister: Maddalena). Well. It will be interesting … at least I hope it will.

    MM – Fear is all that Traitor Tot has left. His base is far more gullible than the common-sense villagers in the fable, but it will still be possible to cry “Democrats!” one time too many. (Of course we won’t eat or kill the villagers, but improve their lives, so there’s that.)

    TNY – SMDH and Facepalm. At the same time. It’s not that tough on the arm; I just swing from the wrist.

    Cartoon – It is indeed. BTW, those are all the states which celebrate Robert E. Lee’s birthday instead of MLK Day. Srsly.

    • Signed the petition,
      Thank you for taking action to ask Congress to oppose US military, economic, and political intervention in Venezuela.

    • Petition signed.
      Thank you for taking action to ask Congress to oppose US military, economic, and political intervention in Venezuela.

    • Signed the petition,Thank you for taking action to ask Congress to oppose US military, economic, and political intervention in Venezuela.

    • Petition signed & love the IKEA book.

    • Tried to sign the petition but it does not like the US address I use in zip 98111 Washington State.

    • Thanks JD.  Everytime I sign a salsa labs petition, I start getting money spam email from the organization that use their software several times per day, who claim I “subscribed” to get their SPAM.  The only way to protest that process is not to do it. 01

  2. MSNBC: This is unbelievable news, re: Bezos and AMI. It will be a large black hole for AMI, and others, as more info comes out. Yea…..how did they get those compromising pictures of Bezos?? hmmm……

    MM: dt uses this tired, and feckless discussion about caravans and faux mimics him. It’s disgusting and untrue. Here’s one for y’all….from Nogales, AZ.

    NYer: Now this is funny!!! Thanks, Andy

    Cartoon: Yep. I don’t.

    It’s 36 here, and heaters are on! Hope that you stay warm, enjoy your evening, and take good care, Thanks, Tom.

    *This just in: “One thing that President Trump will never have to worry about, is having his speeches plagiarized by a future president.” ~ Ed K. ~

    *Joanne: re: book from IKEA… “Alphabet soup, anyone?”  lol 

  3. Thanks for the petition, Joanne. Add it to Care2’s news! Also, that picture is a hoot!

    Bezos says National Enquirer has committed blackmail? Does he honestly think anybody with more than a room-temperature IQ – in Celsius, takes the NE seriously?

  4. MSNBC:  Good for Bezos!  The Enquirer ought to be put out of business, IMHO, along with Mr. New York lawyer!
    MMC: And Faux Farts went and pulled Karl Rove out from under the cess pool rock that he’s been hiding under, to do commentary about Whittaker’s visit to congress, today.  No one but the faux folks, and, maybe, the Enquirer would even want to be in the same state as this piece of scum. It is sad that those brain dead people who still believe that Drumph, and/or Faux News puts out anything other than hogwash, will believe this junk.  Oh my, I just had an epiphany: The whole caravan thing is just a maneuver to boost the sales of Xanax…and, sadly,  guns.
    New Yorker: John Boehner is, always has been, and will always be an orange faced POS!
    ‘Toon: Sometimes I wonder whether, or not, Lincoln ought to have gone through the trouble to bring these entities back into the Union.  Maybe he should have said “Caio, baby.”

  5. i’m glad Jeff Bezos came out with it!
    The enquirer are a politically motivated trashy tabloid, no surprise that trump’s name is involved! The compromising pictures were obtained through a government branch & not hacking?!
    Interesting implications?!
    OMG hilarious, ? Boehner’s #1 rule!!!

  6. 3:20: Far to pretty to eat.

    MSNBC: I don’t particularly like Jeff Bezos, to me he’s just one of the 0.1% who has made far too much money at the cost of millions of others, so I don’t see him as a hero in any way, but I do tip my hat at him for calling out the way the media have become politicized and weapons in the political game the 1% play behind the scenes. I hope he succeeds in bringing the National Inquirer, and all that are connected to it and its owner, down. But it may also have some repercussions for Bezos too, as I’m not under the illusion that he’s not playing the same games with The Washington Post and other media he may own. We just like it a bit better because he seems to be on ‘our side’ and an enemy of Drumpf. But make no mistake. The only one Jeff Bezos is for is Jeff Bezos.

    MM: Sigh…Why hasn’t Bezos tried to take over Faux News yet. 01

    TNY: Applause for showing what hypocrites the Republicans are, again, Andy!

  7. MSNBC:  Good for Bezos. The Enquirer has done so many filthy articles on many people that it about time that someone has stood up to them  Hopefully these type of kicks will put the crappy paper and all of their sneaky employees and lawyers out of business.
    MM: Sick of hearing about these huge caravans that tRump states are coming to harm us. He’s needs to get off of that insane crazy fantasy, and face the truth that there isn’t any caravan coming, except the one to take him to prison.
    NY: Good one Andy 

  8. MSNBC: I’m glad Bezos stood up to The National Enquirer.

    MM: The only caravans coming are the ones the orange one sees in his head.

    NYer: Hilarious.

    Thank you TomCat. Stay warm.

  9. Puzzle — 3:12  Well Lona took care of that butterfly so that Puddy Tat doesn’t get butterfly fricassée tonight.  I’m her backup.

    MSNBC — Get out in front of the story and fight fire with fire!

    Media Matters — Fear as a political strategy.  Disgusting and disgraceful . . . so Republican!

    The New Yorker — Good thing that that has been Boehner has gone!  You go girl!!!

    Cartoon — Maybe the US should let them go their own way.  Let the “confederate” states see what life is like without federal transfer payments from blue states.  Trump could negotiate another NAFTAesque trade deal.

  10. Thanks and cold hugs. 23

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