
 Posted by at 10:37 am  Politics
Dec 222018

This was Fuhrer Drumpfenfarten a few days ago: Speaking to Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer in the Oval Office, Trump said on December 11, “I am proud to shut down the government for border security, Chuck. … I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I’m not going to blame you for it.”  Of course, that was then, and now Republicans are trying to blame their shutdown on us.  Don’t let them!


President Donald Trump has vowed that the partial government shutdown that began at midnight — the second government shutdown to occur while Republicans control the White House and both branches of Congress — will last for a “very long time.” The shutdown is the result of Trump reneging on an agreement to pass a “clean” bipartisan spending bill. Republicans then threw in more than $5 billion in funding for the wall, the president’s vanity project, blowing up any agreement they had with Democrats to pass a budget.

Because of Trump’s shutdown, the country will go without a number of important services and employees indefinitely, until Congress can pass a spending agreement.

Almost 400,000 federal workers are furloughed without pay, and the shutdown impacts basic government functions like tax collection, transportation, and even domestic security — including border security.

The partial shutdown closes a number of important federal agencies: Departments of Agriculture, Homeland Security, the Interior, State, Housing and Urban Development, Transportation, Commerce, and Justice.

Essential personnel, like corrections officers, FBI agents, TSA agents, Customs and Border Patrol, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, will be forced to work without pay (after other shutdowns, Congress has paid such workers retroactively once a budget or continuing resolution is passed, but the payment is up to Congress).

Federal workers — who aren’t concentrated in D.C. but working at agencies and offices across the country — are often hit hard by shutdowns. Thousands of federal workers make less than $45,000 a year, and going without a paycheck or several could force those households to dip into savings. The bottom 20 percent of American households have an average savings of less than $8,750…. [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Leave it to Republicans to hit the poorest hardest.

Here’s a clip from CNN with a little more detail.

See?  There’s no doubt.  This is a Republican shutdown.  We must resist until they cave-in.



  11 Responses to “Shutdown!”

  1. Why does this man need a Chief of Staff when he has Faux News to tell him what to do? What a big baby! Shutting down the government because at age 72 or 73 he still doesn’t know how to compromise and gets his marching orders from Faux News.?

  2. More of the same bad behavior from this delusional child we have in the White House.  He does not care what he does to this country and its people.

  3. This shutdown is a flipping joke. Love the way he is blaming the Democrats, I was watching him when 11 days ago, when he told Nancy P and Chuck S. that he would shut the government down and he would take all of the responsibility on himself.
    What a big flipping liar. Every word he speaks is a lie.
    I feel for the workers who will do without because of his stubborn stupidity. Too bad he doesn’t.

  4. This is not good for the country right now, and with holidays/Christmas only 3 days away. Faux is as crazy as he is, what a mess! He’s such a dolt! He doesn’t even know what to do, except make it worse.

  5. Since Twitler now is calling “The Wall” his “Steel Slats Barrier” 

    I think with a few modifications shown below, Democrats can approve some funding …

  6. In case anyone is concerned and doesn’t already know, the shutdown will NOT affect the Mueller investigation[s].

    The special counsel’s office is “funded from a permanent indefinite appropriation and would be unaffected in the event of a shutdown,” a Justice Department spokesman told The Hill.

  7. Sigh…we saw this coming, didn’t we? Drumpf is getting more predictable in his unpredictability, and that is because he no longer will listen to anyone. Not that he did much before, but he’s retreated so far in his own little world that he won’t take any advise but his own. Because he’s so delusional, he really thinks he’s always right. If he had a religious bone in his body, Drumpf would say that God has shown him the way. But Drumpf only listens to the only god he accepts: himself. Mattis knows all about it and finally quit. Others saw it and quit before him.

    Drumpf will not cave in, neither will the Democrats, I hope, so is this stalemate? Could be, but let’s no forget Mitch McConnell. Drumpf has already told him to change the rules and accept 51 votes instead of a majority of 60 votes. He has done so before, so why won’t he change history again by caving in to Drumpf’s demand? The Republican leaders had no qualms with adding $5 billion to the stopgap bill which the Democrats had already agreed on, so why not change the rules? Could it be because McConnell can’t be sure of 51 when he does that too soon?

    • If memory serves me correctly, I think that Lyin’ Ryan capitulated and added the $5 billion into the proposed CR because he knew the Senate would not support it.

      Please someone correct me if I am wrong, but the Senate rules can only be changed at the beginning of the congressional sitting.  We are at the end.  Such rules would be lost on Trump who thinks he can do whatever he wants, when he wants.

  8. A portrait of the evil Donald J Trump stealing from the working class to feed his elephantine ego!  If he can’t stand the heat and do what is right for the country, then he needs to get out of the kitchen! . . . and NOW!!!

  9. Thanks, hugs. and Amen to all! 46

  10. Hey, TC!! Ain’t this great? Three government shutdowns in one year by trump and none of his followers give a fig about what it does to the Americans that are affected by this! They will bleat and bawl for that bleepin wall even tho it has been shown that it is ineffective against tunnels, planes and other modes of transport!!!
    Ahhh, TC. Sorry I haven’t been around lately. I have been just trying to come to grips with my husband’s passing. Not doing a very good job of it, by the way. It’s been six months since then and it is still like it happened five minutes ago. I am doing what I must to keep from going under, but that’s about it. 
    Lost my game with Country Raiderettes. That was one that was not going to come out on my side, no Matt what! Beat me by nearly 49 points!! Well done!! Good game!! I couldn’t have found any players in the league that could’ve won that game, and believe me I tried!! ? 
    Have a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year, everybody!! Peace, love and hugs from Oklahoma!!

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