Dec 222018

It’s a busy day here in the CatBox, but a slow one for government workers.  Today and tomorrow are Holy days in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  My Broncos play the Raiders on Monday night, but I can’t get ESPN here.  May the Orb shine its blessed light on your team, unless they wear eye patches and say HAR.  Tomorrow is also a Wendy day, and we have lots of work to do.  Please expect no more than a Personal Update or Open Thread with no links messages on Care2.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:08 (average 5:25).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Congressional GOP Saves Room For Cheese Amid Shutdown Crisis

These chemically and biologically altered Republican Supply-side cheeses are as phony and useless as Republican Supply-side Jesus (not the REAL Jesus). If you wanted more proof, here it is. This shutdown is 100% Republican. RESIST!!

From YouTube (Washington Post Channel): The most bizarre political moments of 2018

Barf Bag Alert!!

Wouldn’t it be easier to feature the moments in 2018 that were not bizarre, if there were any at all? RESIST!!

From YouTube (Full Frontal Channel): The Least Terrible Season of the Year | Christmas on I.C.E. Part 1

This is the first of nine parts.  Click here to watch the other eight.  RESIST!!


I made this in 2012.


  12 Responses to “Open Thread – 12/22/2018”

  1. Good videos.
    BBA: Shameful that it’s so very true. Everything that tRump has done this year has been way all off the way and totally bizarre. Nothing that I really wish to be reminded of.
    Cartoon: Wow you created it in 2012. And they are still a true facts.
    tRump sure fits the the Grinch suit perfectly. He certainly doesn’t need to change any of his current actions to fit the role. He plays them perfectly already.

    • Oops. My comment about BBA should read: Shameful that it’s so very true. Everything that tRump has done this year has been way off the wall and totally bizarre. Nothing that I really wish to be reminded of.
      That teaches me about trying to type as fast as my thoughts.

  2. MSNBC: The Rethuglicans are a bunch of cheese heads.

    BBA: It’s a shame this is true because it looks like a warped mind’s idea of a crazy man as the president of the US comedy sketch.

    Sam Bee: Totally delightful

    Cartoon: Excellent

    Thank you TomCat and have a nice weekend. Tell WWWendy hi for us and Merry Christmas.??

  3. MSNBC: Discuss cheese, rather than avoiding the shutdown! Curd act? Lordy!! Rachel: “Merry Cheesemas!!
    BBA: SMDH!!!! Seeeriously.

    YT: Love Sam!!! She is so awesome! Sweet little angel too!

    Cartoon: Yep!

    Hope that you have a good relaxing evening, tell WWWendy I said Hi, and Happy Holidays! Take good care, and Thanks, Tom.

    This just in: “Women ARE the wall !!! Trump will pay! ~ Deborah S. ~ 

  4. 6:55 Bearly made it.

    Rachel – Did anyone NOT know that Republicans are cheesy?

    WaPo – Easier, but not nearly as much “fun.”

    Sam – Part 1 – She is certainly right up to date.
    Part 3 – So the Government isn’t doing its job (no surprise) so volunteers have to do it. I’ll just leave it at that.
    Part 5 – Trees. yes, western North Carolina’s got ’em.
    Part 6 – On ice is definitely where I.C.E. belongs (although not quite like this. More like frozen to the chair).
    Part 7 – Like everything else, it can be made well, or it can be made badly. Some people are allergic to egg (and some to dairy, not to mention lactose intolerance), and vegans don’t consume either. I just found out that there are vintners who actually make chocolate wine, which sounds a lot more attractive to me.
    Part 8 – Actually doing something. Now that’s the Christmas spirit.
    Part 9 – Actually, I think this is the best Christmas Special ever. I laughed. I cried. It was real.
    OT – I could never skate – it’s a balance issue thing and can only be marginally improved. I took two semesters in college of “ballet for klutzes” and I was able to walk (instead of crawl) to my seat in the nosebleed section of the opera house, but that was as good as it got. And I’m perfectly capable of falling and hurting myself all on my own, without skates or skateboards or the like. So I think Sam did very well indeed.
    Professional commentary

    Cartoon – Compared to today’s Republicans, he was a sweetie

  5. 4:55 (average 5:25) A Chrissie bear?

    Rachel Maddow: Say cheese

    WP: Barf bag? Boxes of tissues, you mean. This is SO depressive.

    Sam ??????: Thank you, TomCat!

    Some days a picture says it better than all those words.

  6. Puzzle — 3:40 Cute bear!  I love teddy bears almost as much as cats!

    MSNBC — P-R-I-O-R-I-T-I-E-S!!!  Priorities you Republican fool!!!  Yes the cheese bill is important to some people.  And yes the wall is important to some (a minority) people.  But 800,000 government employees without pay cheques is more important!  If Homeland Security, which includes ICE and CBP as I understand, is not funded, who is going to keep the hoard of 100,000 people currently running at the border according to this Republican idiot, from crossing?  As I said, P-R-I-O-I-T-I-E-S dipshits!  My condolences to the US who is suffering from Trump and Republican crimes!

    Washington Post — “Wouldn’t it be easier to feature the moments in 2018 that were not bizarre…” but then there would be no video!

    Full Frontal — A well thought out and executed PSA for dealing with ICE!  Well done Sam!

    Cartoon — Since 2012, it’s only become worse!

    Not to worry about tomorrow.  I hope to have an article, maybe two for tomorrow.

  7. Looks like your Monday night viewing will be “Beauty and the Beast” (ABC) or “It’s a Wonderful Life” (NBC) or some Christmas program on PBS.

  8. Thanks and Pooped Hugs! 19

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