Samantha Bee from 12/12

 Posted by at 3:39 pm  Politics
Dec 162018

I have been quite distracted lately and shamefully forgot to even look for Sam this week. I hope this will help make it up to everyone. I do remember she has a Christmas special coming, called “Christmas on I.C.E.” on the 19th and I promise not to forget that (of course TC has first dibs.)

Act I – Fox Nation – “Resentertainment” – excellent description

Act II – From the Future – She is absolutely correct in her analysis. I have to believe that at least some of this will not stand up in court, but that doesn’t make it less dangerous (not to mention the waste of taxpayer funds to fight it.)

Act III – Voter Suppression – Nothing here we aren’t aware of, but it needs to be fought – to the death.

Cross posted to Care2 HERE


  4 Responses to “Samantha Bee from 12/12”

  1. Thanks for posting Sam ?, Joanne.

    ?I’m not sure if I was happy to be reminded that in addition to Faux New television people can get an extra brainwash a day by watching Faux Nation being streamed on their TV’s. If the geriatric part of Faux’s viewers is IT savvy enough, that is.

    ??Watching all that abuse of power by Republicans and their killing off of the little democracy they had left in their states summed up in a few minutes makes me want to throw up.

    ??? Then I nearly did. America, where has your self-respect gone?

  2. Sam’s show hits the Truth button every single time! 

    All excellent, and I loved Ashley’s interview with Ms. Abrams!! 
    Thank you for sharing, Joanne. 

  3. Thanks for getting Sam, JD.  I wanted to a few days ago, but I was just too swamped.  I’ll get the next one. 12

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