Dec 142018

  8 Responses to “Lest We Forget: 12/14/12, Sandy Hook”

  1. Cross posted to Care2 HERE

    • Thank you for posting this, Nameless. And now, after six years, with many more mass shootings having happened, we are seeing a Russian spy indicted and making a plea bargain for having infiltrated the NRA. David Hogg, survivor of Parkland, tweeted thoughts and prayers to the NRA public relations department. Good for him.

  2. 20 adorable, sweet, innocent faces and 6 adults . . . such a loss to the world!  And Obama showing his humanity.  If this had happened today, you would never hear the pissant  in the WH as we heard Obama.

  3. Lest We Forget.
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
    NEVER Forget!

    i miss that wonderful man!!

  4. They will always be in my prayers. I pray that they are at Peace above.
    President Obama was one who really cared so much about others. Sure do miss him too. One great man.

  5. Such a tragedy!!! Such heartbreak! 
    I remember hearing this news on tv, and for a moment, time stopped and stood still, for these little ones, and teachers, in grief and sorrow, who were senselessly murdered. 

    As I had already retired, but stayed in contact with ‘my’ school, one of my former campus teachers who was pregnant at the time this happened, and knew she was having a boy, said that she wanted to name her babyboy ‘Noah’… in memoriam to the little boy (Noah Pozner), who was murdered alongside the other students and staff that day. She did.  Lest we forget. 

    I sure do miss Mr. Obama, who felt grief alongside with the nation, and the words he said that day. 

    Thanks, Nameless for this post,
    and Joanne for cross-posting. 

  6. Amen Nameless.  Thank you! 04

  7. So sad, these innocent lives snuffed out, and sadder still, these innocent lives snuffed out in the six years following Sandy Hook. Sandy Hook should never be forgotten. Nor should any of the other school shootings that followed. They should never be allowed to become “normal”.

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