Seth 1 – Fuhrer 0

 Posted by at 1:03 pm  Politics
Dec 042018

To end the day on a more relaxing note, here’s something light.


Seth Meyers didn’t pull any punches against Trump on Monday’s Late Night.

Trump on the international stage always looks like “he just got kicked in the nuts. The way he stands looks like a freeze frame from America’s Funniest Home Videos. He looks like a dad who was standing on the wrong end of a seesaw.”

Meyers also noted that Trump pretended the feud he has with Justin Trudeau has led to a "great friendship." Trudeau’s body language told another tale: "Look at his face. Absolutely nothing. That face is the closest thing Canada has to a middle finger.”…

Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>

What a fool he is!



  9 Responses to “Seth 1 – Fuhrer 0”

  1. I watched that vid on YouTube about half an hour ago and I’d say Seth 2 (minimum) , Fuhrer -3.

    Morning Joe as seen on AlterNet, also trolled Trump.  Click through to the vid at the bottom of the article.  It is short and done to the Allman Brothers song “I was born to be a ramblin’ man”.

  2. I love the way TV personalities get Trump’s voice. Some get it better than Trump does. Seth is very, very good at analysis and at analogies to make it clear what is happening. (Stephen does the voice better, though.)

  3. Good video, Seth explains and says what I feel like every day! lol dt: “Get me outta here!” Seth: “We’re trying”. omg, hilarious!

  4. The Orange Ogre looks like a spoiled brat about to mewl about something or other, while everybody is laughing at him. He cannot leave office too soon! Unfortunately, we have to wait till January of 2021 – unless his unhealthful diet bites him in the arse.

  5. Thanks for posting Seth’s A Closer Look, TomCat, always spot on and humorous at the same time, especially this episode.

    Only a few days ago we were discussing how the Authoritarian personality in fact is very insecure; it is obvious that more and more people are picking up on the insecurity Drumpf is increasingly manifesting as there’s hardly anyone left that is impressed by his bullying he uses to compensate. Without his bullying and grandstanding, Drumpf is left without any social skills to cover his stupidity and meaningless, empty rambling. He never was able to string a proper sentence together, and comedians like Seth will take full advantage of this presidential void. Seth 5 – his emptiness 0, as fas as I’m concerned.

  6. Excellent video. Seth explains tRump’s stupid immature antics perfectly.
    I’m hoping that we won’t have to suffer too much longer. 

  7. Thanks all.  Much too hectic hugs. 35

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