Oct 262018

I’m almost out the door to see Lori, the surgeon who will straighten my eyes in December.  Have a great day.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:31 (average 5:30).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Take:

From The New Yorker: Russian and Chinese spies who have been eavesdropping on Donald J. Trump’s unsecured iPhone calls complained on Thursday that he has foiled their efforts by speaking in a language that is infuriatingly indecipherable.

According to the spies, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, what they had hoped would be a treasure trove of valuable intercepts has amounted to little more than unintelligible gibberish.

“Trump has been communicating in an impenetrable code entirely of his own creation,” a Chinese spy said. “These phone calls might as well be triple-encrypted.”

A Russian spy who has monitored Trump’s calls around the clock said that the only words that could be identified clearly were “I” and “me,” but that they were used so frequently that they became virtually meaningless.

Dang Andy! I hope the Russians and Chinese spend a fortune trying to decipher RepublIdiot T. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!




  16 Responses to “Personal Update – 10/26/2016”

  1. NYer: The folks here are having a hard time too, of his meaningless words! LOL, Andy. 

    Cartoon: Yep!! 

    Hope that your visit goes well, and your trip is safe too! Rest & Relax, and Thanks, Tom. 

    • This just in: “Fox News is blurring out the stickers on the Package bomb suspect’s van windows. ~Randi Mayen S. ~

  2. Enjoy your evening and have a good rest. You need it. Hugzzz, Jim.

  3. Home!  OK.  Blind.  MAGA Maniac captured. 04

  4. Puzzle — 4:40  Obviously, I don’t have the balls for this one!

    The New Yorker — Diaper Don only uses word salad which is somewhat like fruit cocktail . . . every bite changes! . . . and in his case, unintelligible!  I think he figures if one can’t understand it then he can’t be held accountable!

    Cartoon — Absolutely no doubt!!!

    I hope the trip to the doctor’s office goes well!  Let us know. Thinking about you!

  5. Word salad doesn’t always mean what it appears.  This from (OMG!) Faux Noise:

    “”We’ve carried out a far-reaching federal, state and local investigation to find the person or persons responsible for these events. These terrorizing acts are despicable and have no place in our country,” Trump said while delivering remarks at the Young Black Leadership Summit Friday.”

    Hmmm . . .  “These terrorizing acts are despicable and have no place in our country” so why does the Idiot-in-Chief keep inciting these terrorists???   The white van used by the suspect was covered in Diaper Don stickers etc and the fellow has a history of arrests, having been previously arrested for making terrorist threats.

    DD’s words are meaningless and he proves it every day!


  6. Makes sense to me!  All that is important is how much “ME” there is for him to focus on.  He was even upset that all the coverage about the bombs, and bomber, was taking time from coverage about him…and his delusional Red wave momentum!
    So, this bomber fellow is a sick cookie, deeply into the Dumpster!  This is what the FBI is for, not attacking your political opponents, dumps*t!

  7. I guess you are in no shape to post toC2, so here is my wish for a good weekend and an end to your virtual blindness…which would have to happen before you might read this.
    “MAGA maniac captured, hope he gets MEGA punishment.

  8. NY: Agree with Jim and Pat, that we do have real problems with tRump’s language.Yes they caught the guy who had been sending out the bombs. As we can see, he was a true tRump lover with all of the stickers all over his van. Supposedly has been in trouble before for making threats. Wonder what evil instigator tRump will say about him? I hope you had a successful eye surgery. Please take it easy.

  9. TNY: It must have been very clear right from the start to Russians and Chinese spies that gibberish was all they could hope for. If they continued intercepting, it must have been fir heir own entertainment, Andy.

    Good to see you back so quickly from your visit to Lori, TomCat. That must have meant quick trips and little waiting time. Let’s hope the results are equally fortunate and th eye surgery on 12/12 will take place as expected.

  10. I hope all went well!

  11. Thanks all.  Went well!  Hugs! 23

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