Sep 012018

Welcome to a new month.  It’s nice and cool here in the CatBox, and I’m feeling a bit chilly.  I love it!  Later the sun will hit the wall, but that’s later.  It’s a very busy day, as I’m changing the poll in addition to collecting the data, preparing the charts, and making the graphics for August’s Monthly Report.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:35 (average 4:55).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): The Story That Set President Donald Trump Off Today


Oh Canada! Here’s the deal… You take Trump and you can sell all the timber you want here. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From YouTube (RWW Channel): RWW News: Josh Bernstein Promises Bloodshed If Democrats Try To Impeach Trump

Barf Bag Alert!!


This is the way Republicans relate to America. This idiot is aping (apology to apes) his Fuhrer! RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From The New Yorker: Donald J. Trump is “scared to death” that the 2020 Presidential election will be decided by Americans, an aide to Trump has confirmed.

The aide, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said that Trump is panicking over a doomsday scenario in which Americans, sidelined during the 2016 election, play a dominant role in influencing the 2020 contest.

“It sounds paranoid, but, as we speak, representatives of the United States are already plotting to remove him from office in 2020,” the aide said. “They are determined to replace him with someone who takes a move favorable view toward their country.”

The aide said that the Americans, frustrated by Trump’s open hostility to the United States since taking office, will “stop at nothing” to achieve their ultimate goal: installing an agent of the U.S. in the Oval Office.

“It’s pretty clear what the Americans are up to,” the aide said. “They want a puppet who will do the bidding of the United States of America.”

Dang Andy! You’re right! A US supporter in the Oval Office could mean the death of the Republican Reich. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!


Koch is Republicans’ favorite drug!  (vintage 2011).


  15 Responses to “Open Thread – 9/1/2018”

  1. MSNBC: Everything he says or does is recorded. He is a poor representation for the US citizens (nod to Canada/Mexico) for what we stand for. (is it just me, or does he sound drunk half the time, when he speaks?)

    BBA: Oh, pleeze, girl !!! lol

    NYer: Sounds great, can we get it done by tomorrow, or latest by Monday, please??

    Cartoon: Yeah. Everyday!

    Nice day here, enjoy your weather and evening, take good care, and Thanks, Tom.

  2. Puzzle — 3:55 Enjoy your salad Puddy Tat!!!

    MSNBC — “Oh Canada! Here’s the deal… You take Trump and you can sell all the timber you want here.” — Absolutely NOT!!!  We might consider the ‘has been’ Ted Cruz, but never in a million years would we take Diaper Don!!!  We have enough problems with our own Conservatives who are Republican wanna be’s! 

    On a different note, I think Drumpf doesn’t like Justin Trudeau because he has great hair and Drumpf has shitty hair, what hair he does have!

    Right Wing Watch — “Our [as in right wing persons only] president”???  WTF???  This is proof that Diaper Don has done nothing, NOTHING, to unite the country as he claimed he would do!  PROMISE BROKEN!!!  And pledging violence if Drumpf is impeached???  So Drumpf’s criminal activity, continued criminal activity, doesn’t matter to this idiot!  Seems to me that the right wing nut jobs have been complaining that liberals are responsible for all the violence.  I hope this guy and others of his ilk are on the FBI’s radar!

    The New Yorker — LMAO!!!  Andy, I think you are doing straight reporting again.  Diaper Don is the enemy of the people!!!

    Cartoon — We don’t hear much about the Kochs which is a little scary!  They must be like all vermin, playing in the shadows behind the scenes.  Being human has escaped them!

  3. 5:32 Not even a full salad, if one can’t eat straw.

    MSNBC – Orange you glad the comments became publiic? I am – I’m all in favor of truth.

    Bernstein – What is this position that investigations are dangerous for a subject who is INNOCENT? Oh, never mind, they all know perfectly well they are not. OT, but what the hell is a BERNSTEIN doing associating with fascists?

    TNY – Well, of course he is! But who in the White House let this out? Heads will roll!

    Cartoon – Hmmm. Only REPUBLICAN things go better with Koch.

    So, you may or may not have seen these cute littl Christmas decoration signs –

    They gave me this idea, and I know it’s not Christmas, but I thought I’d better put it up while it’s still true. (Hopefully it’ll stay true at least a few days.)

  4. Josh Butthead reminds me of an angry five-year-old whining that he has to go to bed at his appointed bedtime and saying that, if he can’t stay up later, his teddy bear will come to life and eat Mom and Dad. “Bring it on Liberals?” Challenge accepted, fart for brains.

  5. Happy to hear that it’s currently nice & cool in the CatBox! ?

    Nup i couldn’t watch the vid of the barf alert Josh Butthead (thanx Freya) what a TOSSER!!!

  6. MSNBC: As long as Drumpf is allowed to impose tariffs on any country at his whim no nation is foolish enough to trust any agreement Drumpf puts his name to. It isn’t worth the paper it’s written on and by now everyone is well aware of that, including Mexico. Let’s hope Justin Trudeau and Canada can hold out until Drumpf is thrown from the world’s stage.

    RWW: Bernstein is all too obviously looking for a position in the White House, which has been abandoned by most smart rats, and tries to catch Drumpf’s attention with a bland imitation of him. Imitation is the highest form of praise, right? Bernstein would do better training to run to the hills as fast as he can. Because that’s what pathetic cowards like him do when their “revolution” fizzles.

    THY: I think not only Drumpf is dead scared of Americans taking their country back and kicking him out of office in 2020. So are the Republicans.

    Cartoon: And they are just as addictive to Republicans too.

  7. Thanks, tired hugs and Amen to all! 17

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