Aug 312018


Pat followed Politics Plus and commented for quite some time on Care2, where she has been active for years, before she started commenting here at the site.  A few months later, she won her first Big Mouth Award for the 78,000th comment in May 2016. She became a daily regular and won her second award for the 85,000th comment in December 2016 and her third for the 93,000th comment in October 2017.  She won her fourth for 97,000 in March, 2018.  This is her fifth award. She is a progressive activist, an authentic Christian, a proud veteran, and a Michael Moore Fan.  If you tell her to go to hell, she’s likely to answer, “I already live there.”  The poor girl is still a Texan. On the other hand, she loves her Houston Texans.  Her comments are still bright, witty and above all, compassionate.  She always greets WWWendy on shower day! My only complaint is her ongoing refusal to join our fantasy football league.

Last month, Mitch won the award for the 100,000th comment, but opted mot to accept his prize, so that prize passes on to the next winner, Pat.  She will receive a Politics Plus mug and a Politics Plus Tee Shirt!  I could not imagine a more worthy recipient.

Please join me in piling on her with well-deserved congrats, kudos and praise.





  15 Responses to “Pat B Has a BIG Mouth! ;-)”

  1. Hey!! I’m almost ready for Kinder!!! lol 
    As I have mentioned before, I have learned so much in the arena of politics, here on C2, and Politics Plus.

    I remember when I was working at school, (during break), I would sneak a peek at the daily PP page, and couldn’t wait to make (submit) a comment. That was over 12 years ago, and I’m still here. It’s a nice place to gather one’s thoughts, to learn, to read of another friend’s perspective, and to comment freely, honestly, and respectfully. I appreciate y’all thoughts on different topics too.

    Most importantly, we have an excellent moderator, TC, who makes things happen, and also our Administrators who keep things rolling. That’s why I keep coming back to read what’s on Today’s agenda, and what’s going on. Y’all have my utmost respect for the work you do.

    Thank you so much for this Award, I’m humbled. Did I say Thank you?

    • To answer your question: Every day! 

      Now when are you going to join us at Lefty Blog Friends fantasy football league???  Hey, you’ll never come in last . . . that spot is reserved for me!

    • Twelve years ago?  Dang!  I had no idea you were lurking way back when PP was on Blogger.  I had not even joined C2 then. 06

      • oops, my bad, TC. 
        I looked at my profile page, and I joined C2 in 2006,  so I thought you were on back then. 

  2. Congrats! 

    And please keep those Comments of yours coming!

  3. Dear Pat, I’m always eager to hear what you have to say, so by all means don’t stop saying it!  Congratulations and more:

    (And yellow roses)

  4. ?Congratulations, dear Pat! ?

    With 5 Big Mouth awards it was about time you won a mug, Pat. And thanks to Mitch you have both a mug and T-shirt. You know you’re obliged to make a picture now with a T-shirt on and mug in hand, don’t you? ?

    And don’t think that after having received both coveted prizes you’re off the hook now: keep those comments coming. PP and Texas need you. ?

  5. Thank you, Ladies and Gent(s). 
    I humbly accept my award, I didn’t stumble this time on the stage, thank the Lord. 


  6. Congratulations Pat!

    It is always a pleasure to read your comments!  As I like to say, keep those jaws flapping!

    And don’t forget that picture!  We want to see you decked out in that tee shirt, PP mug in hand!!!

    Again, congratulations!!!

  7. Woooo Hoooo Pat!! 18

  8. Late congrats, I was away for a day!  Enjoy the goodies, you certainly deserve them!

    • Thank you, Mitch, and for YOUR shirt & mug! 
      I’ll take a picture for sure.
      Thanks, All for your complimentary comments. 

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