Aug 302018

It’s much cooler here in the CatBox, but with 78% humidity, it’s muggy as hell.  I’m still very tired.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:54 (average 5:45).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Parody Project Channel): LOSE YOUR HEAD – Inspired by War Pigs – Black Sabbath

Graphic Images


If the US is to effectively oppose war crimes, we must first stop committing them. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Harried Staff Sees Donald Trump Unready For Possible Democratic House


I can’t wait! When the investigations get going, we set a record for sore Republican sphincters in one place. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From Daily Kos: Donald Trump started the morning with a string of allegations, including accusing NBC and Lester Holt of “fudging my tape on Russia.” Which would appear to be a claim that Holt had somehow altered or edited the interview that he conducted with Trump on May 11, 2017, just after Trump fired James Comey. In that interview, Trump admitted that the reason for Comey’s firing was that he refused to halt the Russia investigation.

Trump: In fact, when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said, you know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made up story.

Since that interview, Trump has neither backed away from that statement nor made any public claim that Holt altered the interview. In fact, both Trump and attorney Rudy Giuliani have adopted the “article two powers” defense, arguing that Trump can fire anyone he wants for any reason. Why Trump is now making a claim that Holt “fudged” the interview in some way isn’t clear. It’s even less clear why Trump would believe that Holt already “got caught” fudging the interview or that it “hurt [NBC] badly.”

That lie registered 9.99 out of 10 on my Ka-shit detector! RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!



  8 Responses to “Open Thread – 8/30/2018”

  1. 6:36 Gee, a two-courser – bird and fish (in the beak). Unless Squatch can save him.

    PP – “If the US is to effectively oppose war crimes, we must first stop committing them.” Now there’s a quote for a meme.

    MSNBC – I’m looking forward to it with reservations. Do you think his staff, or we, or someone, could sequester the guy with the football?

    DKos – How he could believe Holt did anything other than straight reporting, how he could imagine Holt “got caught,” or that NBC has been “hurt badly,” is probably not important. He may not think any of that. The real question is, how many of his robotized sheep will believe every syllable?

    Cartoon – And Orange Judas is taking it to new levels.

  2. PPC: Word.

    MSNBC: Whose house is the party gonna be at? I think Alex Baldwin is having one. lol

    DK: Just add to the list of lies that he says every day! Lordy!

    Cartoon: What Joanne wrote so succinctly.

    Hope that you have a relaxing evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.
    *This just in: “Donald Trump just claimed there will be violence if Republicans lose the House in November.” “Really, girl?”

  3. PPC: Saw that in e-mail, powerful!  And the GOPIGS wonder why other countries hate us?  They NEVER take the personal responsibility for the consequences of their actions, personal, or political that they always insist that those they keep downtrodden ought to do!!!!!!!!!!!
    Rachel: “Governing?” Is that what this is called?  Could have fooled me! “Does not appreciate the magnitude?” He can’t, he’s living in his very own twilight zone!
    DK: Dumpy is soooooo full of it!

  4. PP: Don Caron just went up one notch in my admiration with this parody song on Yemen and sparing no one in his critique on this awful war which is a war-crime in itself. The only thing Don couldn’t put in there because of the nature of the song is images of skeletal dying children, starving to death because the Saudi’s and the US do not allow food to reach the rebel-part of Yemen. This man-made famine and the resulting genocide has already been condemned by the UN as a war crime last year, but it still continues.

    MSNBC: Drumpf doesn’t need any lawyers to prepare him for impeachment because:
    a. Nobody will dare to impeach him, because he’s totally innocent,
    b. He only listens to the best advisers, and that is Drumpf, Drumpf & Drumpf,
    c. Impeachment procedures will be so good for his ratings, he’ll be in the spotlight 24/7,
    d. So what if he’s impeached by a Democratic House? A Republican Senate will stop it in its tracks. A little impeachment never hurt a president, did it, Bill?
    e. His base will never believe him guilty and keep voting for him.
    f. When push comes to shove, he’ll take that push & shove to the streets and let ammosexuals give their impersonation of push & shove.

    DK: Stop looking for any sense in what Drumpf does. It will never make sense to any reasonable person, as it is intended for his base to gobble up. When Drumpf speaks of Holt already having been “got caught” fudging the interview or that it “hurt [NBC] badly” in the past tense, his followers are ready to believe that has already been established, but they simply missed it in all the conundrum fake news has stirred up on Cohen’s and Manafort’s They can’t remember it, but it now has become a Drumpf ‘truth’.

  5. “War Pigs”: The real “war pigs” (my abject apologies to the world’s entire swine population) are the defense contractor fat cats. The CEOs of Boeing, Lockheed, etc. are raking in big dough while the rank-and-file workers are struggling to make ends meet. They don’t give a sh*t about murdered civilians, or who buys their evil wares, just as long as the filthy lucre keeps coming in.

    Our infrastructure is crumbling – bridges are unsafe, roads are full of pot holes (Domino’s, you aren’t fooling anybody with your false benevolence!), electrical grids are vulnerable to hackers and storms. Our public schools are underfunded and teachers are underpaid, while our risible excuse for an education secretary wants to spend federal money giving them guns. Kids are suffering the humiliation of “I Need Lunch Money” stamped on their arms. Foreign aid – except to Israel, of course – is being slashed to the bone. Yet there is always plenty of money for “defense.”

    Fed up? If you haven’t already, please sign this petition against even more military spending.

  6. Puzzle — 3:42  Well, I don’t know if that is a ‘two fer’ but I do know that it is not yours Puddy Tat!

    Parody Project — “If the US is to effectively oppose war crimes, we must first stop committing them.” — AMEN!

    I remember that PM Justin Trudeau took considerable flak for following through on the $12 billion Conservative government’s contract to sell Canadian made armaments to Saudi Arabia in 2016 as reported in The Guardian (and elsewhere).

    The Liberals have refused to cancel the sale since coming to power in November, saying it was a “done deal” that could not be broken off without possibly incurring significant penalties and job losses.

    Unfortunately, the US is not the only one espousing human rights and flirting with war crimes, and all in the name of profits and domestic jobs.

    Excellent piece by Parody Project!!!

    MSNBC — Winter is Coming! is an understatement!!!  When the House, and hopefully, the Senate revert to Democrat control, I think Diaper Don will rule by decree aka executive order as much as possible.  It will be up to lawmakers to rein him in as much as possible.  The gutting of McGahn’s office is to me a show of Diaper Don’s disdain for the law and a further indication that he feels he is above the law.  I can already feel the chill in the air!

    Daily Kos — Only a 9.99 out of 10 on the Ka-shit metre???  It registered a solid 15 on my metre, and no, mine is not the metric version.  Ka-shit is Ka-shit!  I give Diaper Don a 5 Pinocchios for this whopper!!!

    Cartoon — When will Republicans stop trying to break records that should never have been established in the first place?

    Delightfully cool here too (17 C), but the humidity is at 72%.  We should have rain.  I am hoping that the rain will be wide spread to help the forest fire situation.  There are still over 500 wild fires burning in BC.  Get some rest!

  7. Thanks all!  TGIF Hugs! 23

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