Florida and Arizona

 Posted by at 1:15 pm  Politics
Aug 292018


Last night there were a couple primary races I found noteworthy in Florida and Arizona.  They include the governors’ races in Florida and the race for Jeff Flake’s Senate seat in Arizona.  Of course, one of the Republican candidates stooped to racial slurs in less than a day, but that’s what we expect from Republicans.

Andrew Gillum, a Social Democrat supported by Bernie Sanders won the Democratic primary for Governor of Florida in a huge upset over the more traditional candidate.  Here is his victory speech.

I might be concerned about a candidate so progressive in a very red state, but his opponent is Ron DeSantis, a self-styled Trump clone.  He demonstrated his similarity to his Fuhrer in short order.

As much as I think his claims that this wasn’t racist are pure bull, lets assume he’s telling the truth.  If his statement was innocent, for him not to plan that such a statement will be interpreted that way in today’s political climate is too incompetent to be considered for Dawg Catcher, let alone Senator.

In the Arizona Senate race, Republican Kelli Ward and Joe Arpaio split the most extreme fascist votes, allowing Martha McSally, a Bought Bitch Mitch clone, to eke out a win.  Already she is five points down in the Real Clear Politics average, behind Democratic nominee Kyrsten Sinema.  Here she is.

Now don’t forget…



69 DAYS!!


  13 Responses to “Florida and Arizona”

  1. Andrew Gillum is not a name new to this blog. That was a tough primary battle and he was supported only by voters and STILL won. GOOD FOR HIM. (And I also noticed it took DeSantis less than 24 hours to sling racism.)

    I’m very glad to hear that Synema is already up in the polls. I’ve been concerned (and of course, this being Arizona, still am – but this is heartening.)

  2. Ticked pink (blue) that Mr. Gillum, and Ms. Sinema won!! 
    Great news!!

  3. Sad to see DeSantis trade in the usual racist republican Dog Whistle for his hero’s style Bullhorn.

  4. These are nice, hopeful results.  The next hurdle comes in November.

  5. These are nice, hopeful results.  The next hurdle comes in November.

  6. Results like this get my hopes up that we will turn this country around – by legal, peaceful means. Here in Georgia we have a great candidate for Governor, Shirley Abrams. If elected, she would make history three times over: Georgia’s first black governor, first female governor, and the first black female governor of ANY U.S. state in all history.

  7. Florida: If DeSanto is really that incompetent he can’t control his language with respect to his African-American Democratic opponent, you’re sure to hear more of it as the election moves on. After all, is this not exactly what his Republican voters in Florida expect to hear? Good luck to Gillum. May he, as the best man, win.

    Arizona: Good to see that Republicans were so busy infighting that they gave Democrat Sinema a head start. Fingers crossed she’ll keep that margin right up to the elections.

    I guess you know what to do by now, people of Florida and Arizona…

  8. “Resist Vote Blue”
    So Democrats can just give Trump 15 lifetime judicial appointments.
    Because they wanted to go home!
    Democrats deserve to lose votes because of that kind of political cowardice.

    • Welcome Jerry. 19

      At times, I feel furious about Democrats, and especially the Senate leadership.  It is true that, no matter what the Democrats did, every one of those appointees would have been confirmed.  However, by stationing just one Senator for the weekend, they could have tied up the Senate floor for several hours, making it unavailable for other Republican evil.

      Nevertheless, the progressive wing is gradually taking over the Party.  In the meantime, if Democrats, lose votes, as you suggest, that helps Republicans.  That’s the worst outcome for everyone.  Voting Blue is necessary for survival. 

      • You know, in many ways, Schumer is far from my favorite Democrat.  But he is not incompetent  I wouldn’t put it past him to, having learned that there were some Dems (and I have a few in mind) were going to vote to confirm anyway, to turn that knowledge into a deal of some kind.  Even if it was only a recess.  Which if it comes now could be greatly to our advantage, giving more time for KavaNoWay’s papers to bu put together and come out.

  9. Great to see that Arpaio and Ward divided the far right vote in Arizona allowing McSally to win.  And now she is down against Sinema.  Go Democrats!!!  Florida will be interesting to watch — Gillum, a democratic socialist, against DeSantis, a Diaper Don clone.  And it seems that DeSantis is already pulling out the dirty tricks book that Republicans are so fond of using.

    Add to the news in Florida and Arizona, some developments in Oklahoma as discussed in AlterNet.  It seems that through some forced errors on the Republican side, Democrats have a chance to pick up the Oklahoma governors seat.

  10. Thanks all.  Muggy Hugs! 23

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