Goodbye John

 Posted by at 12:11 pm  Politics
Aug 262018

Senator John McCain and I disagreed on most issues, especially when he was running for President in 2008.  After he chose Bloody Bullseye Barbie, aka Drill Baby Dingbat, as his running mate, I even nicknamed him McConJob, because he was supporting Palin’s TEAbuggery several times daily.  That said, if I could have him trade places with any politician or pundit in Trump’s Republican Reich, I would do so without hesitation.  I pray for your family and all, who mourn your loss.  Goodbye John.


Senator John McCain, R-AZ, died at home at his ranch near Sedona today. He was 81 years old. His family announced earlier this week that the senator, whose brain tumor diagnosis was made public last year, would not be seeking further medical treatment for his cancer.

In his three decades in the Senate, McCain developed a reputation as the "maverick," voting according to his own principles instead of the party line. During his final years in office he stayed true to that designation by refusing to support the repeal of the Affordable Care Act last fall and continuing to be an outspoken critic of President Donald Trump, who once dismissed McCain’s heroism as a Navy officer in the Vietnam War who survived five and a half years of imprisonment and torture with the quip, "I like people who weren’t captured."…

…McCain retired from the Navy in 1981 and was elected to Congress the following year as a U.S. Representative for Arizona, where he served two terms before being elected to the Senate in 1986. He ran for president twice, losing the Republican primary to George W. Bush in 2000 and the 2008 general election, with Sarah Palin as his running mate, to Barack Obama.

CNN reports that McCain did not want Trump to attend his funeral, but he did request that Bush and Obama be invited to deliver eulogies.

"John McCain and I were members of different generations, came from completely different backgrounds, and competed at the highest level of politics," Obama wrote in a statement posted to Twitter Saturday evening. "But we shared, for all our differences, a fidelity to something higher — the ideals for which generations of Americans and immigrants alike have fought, marched, and sacrificed."… [emphasis added]

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Chris Mathews reflected on McCain’s greatness.

In that last speech, he had to know he was about to lose, and he was trying to heal the nation.

Here are a couple of his most courageous moments.

The Republican Party and their racist billionaires were spending millions to convince people like that women that Obama was not really an American.  They were furious at him.

With no disrespect intended toward John, I do think it’s appropriate to discuss what happens to his Senate seat.  Arizona Governor, Doug Ducey [R] will appoint a successor, until a special election can be held in 2020 to fill the seat until the general election in 2022.  Ducey ran and was elected as an ideologue, but he has governed as a conservative pragmatist.  In all probability, we’ll get a replacement that will goose-step in lock-step with Bought Bitch Mitch and the Republican Reich.

John did have a sense of humor, but after all, he was a Republican.



71 DAYS!!


  12 Responses to “Goodbye John”

  1. Fair Winds and Following Seas, Senator McCain, we have assumed the Watch.

  2. RIP John McCain. I didn’t like you much, and I find it horrifying that the last gasp of honor in the Republican Party was apparently you, but like all the sane people in the country I much appreciated your thumbs-down “Nay” on discarding Obamacare. I do feel you have earned your rest.

    • OK, I found this comment, that I think should get more publicity:Here is one to ponder.

      The person in charge of the North Vietnamese prison that held Senator John McCain for 6 years, put more thought and heart into what he had to say with the Senators passing then our own president.  

      Col. Trần Trọng Duyệt Duyệt said. “When I learnt [sic] about his death early this morning, I feel very sad. I would like to send condolences to his family. I think it’s the same feeling for all Vietnamese people as he has greatly contributed to the development of Việtnam-U.S. relations,”

      I feel so ashamed by our President, and those who remain silent, that support him.

      Remarkable.  Just remarkable.

  3. While I disagreed with much he put forth, especially the Palin mistake, foisted upon him, or not, he seemed to be the last of a vanishing breed, an ethical Republican.

  4. The last thing he did before dying was to swallow his own pride by accepting Trump’s denigration. That act, alone, puts him on my forever shitlist.
    He didn’t stop having treatment; his family pulled the plug on him. They just didn’t want to call it that.
    Am I sad that he died? Not really. Other, better people, have died who deserve far more respect.

  5. Say what you will about Senator McCain – he was a man of courage and character, who refused to be treated differently just because of his father’s high position, who endured five years of horror. He at least did not want tRump at his funeral, but invited Obama.

  6. i agree with you & the comments here, TC!
    RIP Senator McCain ? 

  7. A very fitting In Memoriam, TomCat, with praise and critique where it was due.

    I doubt Republican eulogies will be as honest as this. They’ll probably praise him into high heavens while heaving a sigh of relief he’ll no longer criticize Drumpf or vote against any of his/their inhumane policies.

  8. In his final hours Sen. John McCain reconsidered and agreed that Trump could attend the funeral under one condition:

    That they trade places.

  9. Rushing Hugs! 24

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