Bill Maher from 8/24

 Posted by at 12:45 pm  Politics
Aug 252018

It’s that time of week again, so here are four fine video clips from Bill’s show last night.  Enjoy!

Monologue: Orange Tuesday

Bill sure enjoys watching the stool pigeons come home to roost.

Kara Swisher: Keeping Tech Honest

I disagree with Bill about requiring ID on social media. Some people live in communities so Republican that they could not tweet they are gay, pro choice, or progressive without severe harassment or far worse.

Former CIA Director John Brennan

Brennan is right. All the officials and formal officials who are speaking out against Traitor Trump are heroes.

New Rule: Wok the Vote

Would we be better off with Canada, instead of China?

An excellent week!



73 DAYS!!


  9 Responses to “Bill Maher from 8/24”

  1. Bill – Monologue – Orange Tuesday – Funny how orange on the color wheel is the exact opposite of blue. As for Jefferson Beauregard – it is, of course, nonsense that his DOJ is not influenced by political considerations, and I could give examples – but it’s also true that he has not allowed Trump to interfere with Mueller or Rosenstein. And considering how deep he hinself is in the muck, which is why he recused himself in the first place, that is a ballsy positon.

    Swisher – Good point – if one hasn’t studied the humanities at all, then one doesn’t really understand humanity. (Ummm – they do HAVE an EQ – it’s just in single digits.) She certainly has a handle on tech nerds – but I don’t think it’s just tech nerds, I think we’re talking toxic masculinity. Now, I have used the term “toxic masculinity” and been yelled at (ALL CAPS) because the yeller thinks the phrase implies all masculinity is toxic. That’s pure BS. Does the phrase “counterfeit money” imply that all money is counterfeit?

    Brennan – Yes, it would be Rand Paul, wouldn’t it. Thank you, John Brennan, for outing him. Thank you, John Brennan, for using the word treason. Thank also to his supporters. This seems to be a show for balls, in the vulgate, doesn’t it.

    New Rule – Merger overkill. So true of the Republicans. I don’t know about Chinocrats, or Sinocrats, or whatever – but it does make for some great one-liners. Canada I would go for. Australia might be a better fit.

    • “Australia might be a better fit.”
      Absolutely ?

    • “I disagree with Bill about requiring ID on social media. Some people live in communities so Republican that they could not tweet they are gay, pro choice, or progressive without severe harassment or far worse.”

      Been thinking about this, and I don’t think it necessarily means you would have to use your real name on FB or Twitter … just that you would have to prove the them that you are a real person before you get an account.  Of course that has dangers of its own, but it’s not quite like outing everyone up front.

  2. I’ll watch later, love Bill !! 

    Thanks, Tom.

  3. Thanks for posting, TomCat. Hubby and I will be watching Bill later tonight.

  4. i really enjoyed & agree with the Brennan clip!Wok the Vote, LOL!!!i have always thought John McCain was one of the better ones too & i have been attacked for saying so…RIP Senator ?

  5. Thanks and Hugs to all. 22

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