Aug 232018

The weather here in the CatBox is cooler, but very muggy.  I can’t get any cross ventilation, because the building is so super heated that the hallways are still high 80°s.  WWWendy comes this evening.  After today, our schedule will be back to normal.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:47 (average 5:14).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Jig Zone Puzzle:

From YouTube (Washington Post Channel): Not just misleading. Not merely false. A lie.

If Fuhrer Drumpfenfarten is around much longer, he’ll break Pinocchio’s nose! RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From YouTube (NY Times Channel): Coal Miner to Trump: “Coal Mining Isn’t Coming Back”

The only people stupid enough to believe that it is coming back are sheeple addicted to the Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From CBS News: The first juror in Paul Manafort’s trial to speak out says prosecutors almost got the 18 guilty verdicts they wanted. Paula Duncan told Fox News that one juror caused a mistrial on 10 of the charges against the president’s former campaign chairman.

In her interview, Duncan said she voted to convict him because the evidence was “overwhelming.” She described a taxing and emotional deliberation process and said the discussions brought some jurors to tears.

  • According to Duncan, she and her peers worked to convince the lone dissenting juror, but ultimately failed to prevent a split verdict Tuesday.

“There was one holdout,” Duncan said. “We laid it out in front of her again and again and she still said that she had a reasonable doubt.”

Evidently, she was a sheeple. Otherwise, she would not have had a so-called “reasonable doubt”, without a reason to have it. We’re lucky she didn’t trash the other eight too! RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!



  13 Responses to “Open Thread – 8/23/2018”

  1. 5:52 It’s OK, I’m sweet enough (sort of.)

    Pinocchio – I am with them on being very cautious before calling something a lie. I also agree that they are correct when they actually do call this a lie.

    Coal – “Clean coal” – that’s like saying “clean dirt.” (Or other things I can think of)

    CBS – Yes. I hope the dissenting juror’s name remains hidden. I am sorry to have to say there are progressives (and probably more pseudo-progressives, but just try proving them to be pseudo) who would resort to inline harassment ad even death threats, which would REALLY hurt us. Eight counts of guilty is just fine at this point.

    Cartoon – Shudder.

    I found a tool that can be used to generate memes based on the Bayeux Tapestry (You’ve probably see several). I made this one about balance in journalism.

  2. WPC: Can he wear a costume of Pinocchio for Halloween? I think he should.
    Here’s another link: 

    NYC: Devastating to the workers, (health), and to the environment. 

    CBS: When I was on Grand Jury here in this little town, (a few years back), we were sworn to secrecy. We didn’t talk about anything, the proceedings, nor the findings of the verdicts, nor with family, outside the room. I still don’t. I’d be mortified if I had said that. I agree with Joanne on her assessment, also. 

    Cartoon: Oh..ick !!! 

    Hi, WWWendy! Hope that the heat abates, and you have a pleasant evening. Take good care, thanks, Tom.

  3. I learned a new nickname for tRump recently: President Squirrelwig Stalin.

    If PSS’s beezer grew every time he told a lie, he could stand in Times Square and sniff the air in San Diego.

    Funny, I thought a Republican parking lot would be full of tricycles.

  4. WP Channel: As Robert Reich said in his recent piece, virtually all that comes from Dumpy’s mouth is a lie!
    NYT Channel: Very well put.  Just one more of Dumpy’s 4,500, or so lies!
    CBS: So, being hung verdicts, they might be re-tried!
    No, a Republican parking lot would be full of the canes the blind use to get around!

  5. Rather than awarding “Pinocchios” maybe we should start calling them “Donocchios”

  6. WP: Have you heard, Pinocchio is suing Drumpf for causing him bodily harm: Drumpf broke his nose. Repeatedly.

    NYT: This excellent video isn’t just a warning to Republicans. It should be picked up by Democrats in their rallies. Not rubbish like “clean coal” and jobs returning in the mines of course, but acknowledgement of the miner’s plight, support of their fight to get compensated for the diseases and the accidents their work brought them while coal barons ignored safety rules, and bringing new jobs and training in the new-energy industries.

    CBS: I understood there are more trials coming up for Manafort, so I can understand the prosecutors not wanting to spread themselves thin, but if those 10 mistrials are only down to one juror, I think many would want to see Manafort go down for all of the charges. I would, but then it doesn’t involve my tax money. ? It doesn’t do, however, that jurors speak about what happened behind closed door, not even after the trial, just to get their few minutes of fame (or get actual money out of it?). First of all, it may influence any re-trials or new trials, but it may also give jurors a reason to present themselves differently during the selection when called for high-profile court cases.

  7. Puzzle — 5:04  Too sweet for me!

    Washington Post — What did he say . . . 4,229 false or misleading statements and now 1 outright lie!  Of course really there are more outright lies as far as I am concerned, but I get Kessler’s reasoning.  As long as Diaper Don is in office, Kessler has job security!

    NY Times — At the recent Charleston, West Virginia rally Diaper Don was not shoveling coal but a pile of bullshit as he said “We love coal!”  And his sheeple loved it.  But what he doesn’t say of course is that the demand for coal is way down especially in China (they too are going greener and DD never mentioned his tariff war either), and automation is responsible for killing many coal jobs.  And as usual, he doesn’t say how he will bring it back. But the sheeple still love him because he says what they want to hear.  He should get a whole bouquet of pinocchios for this whopper!  This fellow is correct . . . “Coal mining isn’t coming back!”

    CBS — Interesting to note that Duncan is an avid Diaper Don supporter and will still support him despite everything, as she commented in the Faux Noise interview.  She also said that she really wanted to find Manafort innocent but the evidence was overwhelmingly pro guilty.  I will give her credit for trying to remain neutral in the deliberations.

    Cartoon — Is this an analogy for Republicare . . . crush the sick and stack the bodies like cord wood? 

  8. Thanks, hugs and amen to all! 17

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