Bill Maher from 8/3

 Posted by at 12:47 pm  Politics
Aug 042018

It’s that time of week again, so here are three fine video clips from Bill’s show last night.  Enjoy!

Monologue: Enema of the People


I had not heard that Putin’s NRA is broke to the point of folding.  May it be so!

Nancy MacLean: The GOP’s Long Game


I like her.  I was not familiar with Nancy before today, but she echoes some of the things that I have been saying for years.

New Rule: The Party of Putin


What a wonderful way Bill found to describe the Helsinki blowjob!

Good Show!



94 DAYS!!


  13 Responses to “Bill Maher from 8/3”

  1. Bill – Monologue – “Hillbilly Nuremberg” rallies. I can’t wait for “hillbilly Nuremberg” trials myself. And doesn’t he nail the NRA! There was this article showing up in newsletters this morning, which is very interesting.  OMG – Qanon! Are we doomed yet?

    Nancy MacLean – Good point that we must not lose sight of the catastrophe which is Brett Kavanaugh. Not to mention the makeup of our State governments. While we are getting out the vote, we need people to be voting the whole ticket. That didn’t happen in 2016 – or in 2014 – unfortunately.

    New Rules – It’s NOT a fundamental shift. And it probably is based on “whiteness” (which I still maintain is actually pinkness. But it’s also authoritarianism. And the Republican Party has been demonstrably authoritarian since at least Joe McCarthy. I’m just speaking of within my own lifetime, because that is what I have witnessed. A real historian can probably go back farther and see more. But even with my own eyes I can go back past the VRA and the “Southern strategy” and see virtually nothing but authoritarians.

  2. The NRA going broke and about to fold?!?

    Excuse me while I catch my breath.  BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

    Just a cheap stunt to get their room-temperature IQ base yokels to donate.

    Of course if I’m wrong … well, then I offer my sincere “thoughts and prayers”.

  3. Love Bill. 
    W/watch later. Thanks!!

  4. Nancy MacLean: The GOP’s Long Game: Everyone should have a listen to this!

  5. Hillbilly Nuremberg Rallies. Enema of the People. You know how to call ’em, Bill! The NRA going belly-up? Somebody pinch me! Q-Anon makes me think of that pesky alien from “Star Trek: The Next Generation.”

    The Koch Brothers and their fellow slimes want to bring about a Constitution that will transform this country into a feudal system. All the more reason to oppose Kavanaugh! Keep contacting your Congress people, signing petitions, spreading the word. Also, spread the word far and wide about the “Liberty” amendments that would wreck this country.

    So Russia doesn’t want to be diverse. That’s their problem.

  6. You can bone up on the Liberty Amendments here. If you really think about them, they are wolves in sheep’s clothing.

  7. Sob, can’t wait till we have a decent internet connection…

  8. Adore Bill!!!

    Thanx TC ?

  9. Thanks and tired hugs to all! 17

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