Jul 282018

Here in the CatBox, the heat wave goes on and on and on.  Thank goodness WWWendy comes tomorrow to destink the foul TomCat!

Jog Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:53 (average 5:26).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Washington Post Channel): Why hundreds of migrant children are still separated from their parents

Trump is just the symptom. The Republican Party is the disease. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From YouTube (Media Matters Channel): Right-wing media panic over Democrats acknowledging health care, housing, and jobs as rights

Barf Bag Alert!!

The Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise, has a BS in Bullshitology. For this campaign, they get a PhD! (Piled Higher and Deeper) RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From KATU TV: Portland residents will be voting on a so-called climate-change tax this November.

An initiative qualified Friday that would tax businesses to fund renewable energy projects.

The proposal would create a 1-percent tax on retailers with national sales over a billion dollars if those businesses do at least $500,000 in sales in the city of Portland each year.

I like the idea of a tax for green energy, and I will probably vote for it, but I’d rather see the tax on boutique firms that serve the 1%, like yacht sales and high end country clubs instead of retail that will pass the cost to mainstream Portlanders. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From The New Yorker: Bringing a tumultuous chapter of American history to an abrupt conclusion, Donald J. Trump and three of his adult children fled to Moscow in the early hours of Friday morning.

Accompanied by Ivanka, Eric, and Don, Jr., Trump boarded a specially chartered Aeroflot plane to take him to his new home in Moscow, a nondescript apartment building that also houses the former N.S.A. employee Edward Snowden.

Trump reportedly was in a tremendous hurry to catch the plane and left behind only a one-sentence note, reading, “THERE WAS NO COLUSION [sic].”

Yay, Andy! Oh No!! They forgot to take Pence! RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!




  10 Responses to “Open Thread – 7/28/2018”

  1. 6:10 Is it even edible?

    For a while now I have been playing with jewelry making with (not precious) beads, including some pieces that are kind of political, like earrings with Democratic donkey beads. Well, I was looking in a catalog from on of my suppliers, and was surprised to see that they have decided to offer actual resistors as jewelry findings! Apparently I’m not the only one who likes jewelry that is political!

    A feel good story courtesy of George Takei, because we need one.

    A website set up to assist anyone to write and post comments opposing the proposed citizenship question on the 2020 census. Posting a comment permits the government to post your personal information

    WaPo – Many of us are concerned that these kids will be trafficked. I am cynical enough to wonder if that was at least partly the point. Money, you know. Republicans’ real god.

    MM – OMG, yes. And just wait until people start talking about guaranteed income. You know, without health care, housing, and jobs, it’s damn near impossible to enjoy life and liberty – and even with them, it still requires personal responsibility to pursue happiness. But is anyone surprised they don’t “get” that?

    Portland – I take your point … but some of those will turn out to be on the higher end – Banana Republic, Forever 21, and the like. Most of the grocery chains are regional rather than national, but they still may hit a billion; but I’d be willing to give the tax a shot too.

    TNY – Hmmmmph. I wish! For one thing, that’s probably the only denouement in which his groupies could conceivably be manageable if he leaves the Presidency.

    Cartoon – That was a terrible injustice!

    • I thought they might use them as indentured servants for the 1%. 10

      • Isn’t “indentured servant” a euphemism for trafficking anyway?  

        (Plus a real indentured servant would get out when his or her time was up by matching the two randomly zig-zag cut halves of the contract [hence the term indentured].  No one gets out of being trafficked without one or more actual rescuers to help.)

      • I should have been more specific.  I meant household slaves.  When I think of trafficked kids, the Republicans involved have even more nefarious intentions. 18

  2. WPC: Happening still, crying tears in the hearts of Americans. It matters !!

    BBA: ugh!

    KATU: I’d vote for that, however I don’t see that happening here. Unfortunately.

    NYer: Can he go NOW?? Like immediately?! That would be great!

    Cartoon: Horrible! The Bonus Army laid the foundation for the G.I. Bill of Rights (1944). *britannica

    Seems like everything moves slowly when it’s hot. No sounds, no chirping, no kids playing outside, nothing. Hope that you have a good evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.

    • Your neighborhood typically has kids playing outside?!?  There are quite a few kids on my cul-de-sac and I almost NEVER see any of them playing outside. 

      Seems like kids nowadays  engage only in strictly structured activities (soccer, football, cheerleading, etc.) – nothing ever spontaneous just among themselves.

      There are Pediatric studies to show that process actually contributes to serious social acting out because they have learned no skills in conflict resolution.  When we were kids and played in our backyards and sandlots right in our neighborhoods we learned to resolve issues on our own – NO ADULTS INVOLVED!  If we had a dispute we learned to work things out on our own.

      Now everything is in a structured setting with adults overseeing everything.  Consequently kids never learn the art of conflict resolution.

  3. Like the proposed “green” tax, but now watch businesses try to find loopholes. I like your idea of a boutique tax, TomCat – maybe you should run for some office. wink Our entire tax system needs a major overhaul to ease the burden on the working class, the true lifeblood of this country, and ensure the rich pay their fair share.

  4. Puzzle — 5:19  Pretty flowers!

    Washington Post — I just want to hold these little ones, to comfort them.  And I want to wring the neck of every Republican who stand by zero tolerance policy.  To separate families is heinous, but to not have the systems in place to track people is criminal and unforgivable.  What is amazing to me is that some of these people still want to come to the US.  As you have said, Republicans are a cancer!  The cancer must be excised!

    Media Matters — Why are Republicans so against democratic socialism?  Several times in the vid, communism was lumped in with democratic socialism.  They are not the same!  Communism is an authoritarian system, but democratic socialism is not.  Faux Noise talking heads are an incompetent!

    KATU-TV — I agree with you “I’d rather see the tax on boutique firms that serve the 1%, like yacht sales and high end country clubs…”.

    The New Yorker — We can only hope this is straight reporting!

    Cartoon — They were good enough to do the country’s bidding during WWI.  It is a disgrace that the men were not paid for their service until they protested.

    I am totally melted!!!

  5. Thanks all.  Half asleep hugs. 37

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