Oct 192010

Tom122007 Many of you may find this announcement quite a surprise.  Have I been guzzling Republican Kool-Aid?  Certainly not!  Am I on the verge of commitment to an institution to be treated for insaniTEA?  God forbid! Am I angry at Democrats?  I am at some of them, but that has nothing to do with it.  Have I decided to vote for a third party?  No.  While I prefer a more social democratic platform than what the Democrats offer, I would not want to waste my vote on a candidate with no chance of election, especially when the Republicans present such a threat to our livelihood, our human rights, our Constitution, our standing in the world, and what’s left about our society, that I hold dear, that Republicans have not already destroyed.  I have not changed my position that Democrats, flawed though they may be, are a far better option than Republicans, who govern exclusively for the benefit of criminal corporations and the richest 1%.  So why am a refusing to vote for Democrats this year?  The answer may surprise you.

Here in Oregon, we have vote by mail.  It’s an excellent system.  The only way I have seen Republicans able to cheat the system is to get alcoholic transients to register and trade their signature on pre-filled ballots for beer or wine.  I broke up such an exchange in 2004, but the effects of that are far less that Republican election day scams in other parts of the country.  I mailed my ballot today, and voted for Ron Wyden (D) for Senator, David Wu (D) for Representative, John Kitzhaber (D) for Governor. Ted Wheeler (D) for Treasurer, and Mary Nolan (D) for state Representative.  These are the only partisan races in my district this year.

So the reason I will vote for no Democrats this year is simple.  It’s illegal for me to vote twice.  The Republicans claim that we fraudulently vote over and over again is a lie.  A much as I would like more, I only get one vote per race.  I’ve done my part.  It’s your turn.


  13 Responses to “Why I will Vote for No Democrats This Year”

  1. WOW—what an attention-getting headline, TomCat! As usual, the Republicans are making fraudulent voting abuse claims. Only this time, they don’t have ACORN to kick around any more. It’s only a matter of time before these plutocrats will find a way to give corporations direct voting privileges. These Republicans are so full of crap, it’s a shame we don’t have some extra-strength political Ex-Lax to fully flush them out of our body politic!

  2. I think vote by mail is an excellent way to do it and probably is least likely to have election fraud……unless, that is, a bag full of ballots find it’s way into dumpster. Still, it beats most electronic systems (that can be hacked) or the old “hanging chad” ballot made infamous in Florida in 2000.

    A sidebar; both of my parents are in their 80’s and vote by absentee ballot. Here’s the problem- in iMiddlesex County, NJ, USA the absentee ballot is extra postage, and the Board of Elections doesn’t pay for it. The voter does; it’s $1.04 per ballot sent. It’s not going to break anybody, but it’s the principle of a certain class of voter having to pay to vote while those who vote in person vote for FREE! You know, like in “Land of the Free”, and all of that stuff?

    Soap box closed.

    • Maybe the BOE see it as a convenience thing like 7-11 – you pay for the convenience of not having to go in person to vote… in my opinion, the ballot should have a reduced rate and be uniform…

  3. Well, you certainly got my attention with that headline! Glad I read it.

  4. I think all we need next is to withhold reporting numbers until after the last ballot closes…

    • Either that or blackout TV coverage in areas where the polls have not closed yet. Making east coast residents wait for Hawaii could be problematic.

  5. Good choices TC! You should say, I will not vote for democrats IN NOVEMBER, because you voted already! 😉

  6. Ah Jack. Scamming the system even through mail in ballots would be too easy.

    I won’t go into how here. But we’re at the mercy of county clerks. In a major election it would be difficult to get the numbers needed. But the smaller the number of voters, the easier it would be.

    • I agree, truth, and for that reason Multnomah County has a ballot measure requiring the county to use only the May and November election dates. I voted YES.

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