Bernie on Face the Nation

 Posted by at 12:42 pm  Politics
Jan 292018

Yesterday Bernie Sanders appeared on Face the Nation.  Despite repeated attempts by the host to get him to commit to a 2020 Presidential bid, Bernie kept refocusing the discussion onto the things that he wanted to discuss.  His ongoing refusal to let the media play him is one of the reasons he remains one of my favorite politicians.


Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) brushed aside talk of his own potential 2020 presidential bid in an interview on CBS’s Face the Nation Sunday, but insisted that whoever does run must "focus on the needs of workers" and "be prepared to stand up to the one percent."

"What we need to do as a nation, whether I run or no matter who runs, is revitalize American democracy and create a government that actually works for working people, and not just for billionaire campaign contributors," Sanders said…

Inserted from <Common Dreams>

Here’s video of Bernie’s appearance.

Note that one of items Bernie stressed is that we all need to work together to elect Democrats.  He did this because he is smart enough to know that the Democratic Party is far superior to and the only viable alternative to the Republican Reich.  So the next time you’re tempted to call the Democratic Party foul names or support false equivalence, listen to Bernie.  If more had done so in November, we wouldn’t have this mess.



  10 Responses to “Bernie on Face the Nation”

  1. Mr. Sanders brings his concerns to the Nation, and also to all of us.

    He’s so refreshing to listen to, considering the other side…repugs!!

  2. If more had done so in November, we wouldn’t have this mess.

    AMEN !!!

    It is not as easy as Bernie makes it look to stay on topic under that kind of pressure. You have to KNOW what your message is, you have to be PERSISTENT in staying with it, you have to be PATIENT (because losing your temper on camera is not conducive to getting your message through),and you have to keep RESPECTFUL when some of these people don’t deserve respect. Yes. Long may he be around, in whatever capacity he chooses to be.

  3. Too bad he isn’t POTUS now! Imagine what real progress we could be making with Bernie in the Oval Office and a Progressive congress.

  4. We need to get rid of Citizen’s United!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Then, what happened in November would have much less of a chance to be repeated.

  5. Good to see that Bernie Sanders won’t let himself be drawn into the 2020 election discussion, he knows that shouldn’t be the issue right now, but definitely 2018 is. And Sanders and the Democratic party know all to well how it is to lose an election because of the wrong decisions being made (Bernie should have been the Democratic candidate, not Hillary) and not connecting to their voters enough and being complacent about winning (surely a Democrat, any Democrat would win from this megalomaniac idiot).

    Bernie is now stressing the right points, again we might say, but we can only hope those are the political points of the whole party and of their next presidential candidate, whoever that may be, but most of all of all of the Democratic candidates for the midterm. It is crucial that the Democrats shed their elitist image and unite on a more progressive image. They don’t have to be become populist, something Bernie did in a good way, but build more strength in their left legs to stand on. They have this terrific role model in Bernie; all they have to do is feel the Bern and follow his lead.

    • I put in this comment before I read the headline in The New York Times: Democratic National Committee’s Chief Executive Quits in which it was announced that Jess O’Connell, the committee’s chief executive, had resigned within a year after clashing with Thomas Perez, the committee’s chairman. That doesn’t bode well.

      I’m leaving it at that, should you wish to take it up tomorrow, TomCat.

      • Lona, I just learned about it.  From what I understand the disagreement was about turf, not policy.  This no time for petty squabbling among Democrats. 01

  6. It is virulently important to be on the side of the Democrats in the next election! If we are not or don’t show up, we deserve what we get! Therefore, BE SURE TO VOTE!

  7. “What we need to do as a nation, whether I run or no matter who runs, is revitalise American democracy and create a government that actually works for working people and not just for billionaire campaign contributors.  So there are enormous problems facing this country.  Whoever runs for president has got to focus on the needs of workers, be prepared to stand up to the 1% and create an economy that in the wealthiest economy in the history of the world addresses the issues of poverty, healthcare and education.” 

    If I may paraphrase Bernie when pushed about running in 2020, “first things first!”.  Eyes should be focused on the 2018 mid terms . . . installing as many Democrats as possible prior to the 2020 presidential election.  Drumpf and Republicans are not going to make it easy having said that they will bombard democrats with all sorts of accusations.  In true trumpian and Republican style, you can bet that means a plethora of lies and innuendo.

    Bernie would do well in Canada!  Go Bernie!!!

    Unfortunately, the embedded video was not viewable in Canada, but those in the article were, albeit half the length.


  8. Thanks, hugs and AMEN to all! 35

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