Jan 262018
Since I didn’t get home until late yesterday afternoon after a somewhat harrowing visit – involving the cat, not my Mom – I only had time (and energy) to create something I saw from a cartoon.

Scrabble Decisions …

Why Not Both!


  12 Responses to “Friday Fun – Abbreviated”

  1. Cross posted to Care2 HERE

  2. Definitely both!

  3. Ditto!!

    Thank you, Nameless for your post, and
    Joanne for cross-posting.

  4. LOL. Both, of course.

    What happened to your cat, Nameless? That “harrowing visit” sounds ominous. Was it to the vet?

  5. What TC said!
    Museum’s response was golden!

  6. Play 2 games so that both options can be used!  They both definitely fit!!!

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