Nov 262009

A few days ago, I reported that President Obama has appointed Dana Perino to the Broadcasting Board of Governors.  Yesterday she demonstrated her gratitude and loyalty.


Earth to Dana the Dingbat!!  Hello?!!?  What was 9/11?!!?

Seriously, I don’t believe for a moment that Dana does not know not only that 9/11 was a terrorist attack, but also that it could have been easily avoided were it not for the total incompetence (at best) of Bush and his GOP minions.  Perino lied to discredit Obama.  Sean Hannity, Faux Noise propagandist and operator of Hannidate, a site where closeted GOP hypocrites go to find their very own wide-stance lovers, just sat there and did not correct her.

The White House phone number is (202) 456-1111.  Will you join me in challenging Barack Obama to rescind her appointment?


  4 Responses to “Action Alert: What Was 9/11?”

  1. Zo6pxa lzokfxrxqyiy, [url=]njnbzrjdmipr[/url], [link=]ljyxrnmnzqjo[/link],

  2. Thanks, Oso. I hear you.

  3. You know what they say.. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.. Guess he is trying to keep this enemy very close.

  4. LOL. Annette!! Does that mean Cheney is getting State?

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