Faux Noise Cover Up

 Posted by at 1:47 pm  Politics
Dec 112017

As far back as remember, there were two thinks I could count on about news from the Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise.  That’s where one could find women with the biggest breasts, lowest cut dresses, highest hemlines, and willingness to put them all on display.  That’s where one could find a steady stream of Republican lies masquerading as news.  That hasn’t changed, except for one thing.  Recently it has been more extreme than normal, and directed at the people investigating Trump, especially Robert Mueller.


Former Washington Post reporter and Watergate investigative journalist Carl Bernstein said on Sunday that Fox News hosts are now President Donald Trump’s co-conspirators because they are “abetting a cover-up” by attacking special counsel Robert Mueller and undermining his investigation. Mediaite.com said that Bernstein was appearing on CNN’s “Reliable Sources” when he said that it could be obstruction of justice or a criminal matter that the White House is hiding, but Sean Hannity, “Judge Jeanine” Pirro and others are aiding and abetting in its concealment. “It abets a cover-up because there is a cover-up going on in the White House and among Trump’s aides and former aides relating to the investigations,” Bernstein told “Reliable Sources” host Brian Stelter. “We don’t know what the cover-up is about, whether it constitutes an obstruction of justice or a criminal conspiracy at this point.”

Inserted from <Alternet>

Here’s the embedded video.

This all begs a question.  Why is this happening now?  I strongly suspect that the Mueller is closing-in on Trump to such a great extent, that the Republicans are preparing the way to kill the Mueller investigation.  Watch closely.



  17 Responses to “Faux Noise Cover Up”

  1. Yeah, well, no one knows cover-ups like Bernstein knows cover-ups.  (And Jeanine Pirro needs to be locked up STAT.  If there aren’t grounds to do it in a jail or a prison, I’ll settle for a mental institution.)

  2. Yeah. Mueller is getting in TOO close for the donald’s comfort so he is having fux spews put a so-called smoke screen up for his enjoyment. Just to see how far he can obstruct and obfuscate from his little room!
    I just hope that Mueller is getting EVERYTHING that this crock of BS has done since he was a gleam in his orangutan-daddie’s eye!

  3. They’re getting desperate.  Good video.
    Mr. Mueller, Soldier on!!

  4. Faux News abetting a cover-up? Now that’s the most unheard-of thing I’ve ever heard of. 1010101010

  5. Well, Faux very recently did get one headline correct.

    We’ve probably all seen variations for Holiday greetings from the Trumps along these lines:

    Fox & Friends stage screen headline recently got it right when covering a Fox “survey” that Americans want more Jesus during the Holidays.  But they inadvertently didn’t step back and take the “bigger view” of their screenshot, and ended up telling us that “Treason Is the Reason for the Season”:

    Not paying attention to use of symbols along w/ text raises the question of “Why does this driver think tuna should be shamed?”

    • But, Nameless, you’re assuming these people can READ.

    • Hi Nameless, I have responded to your question, posted on the Open Thread of the 9th.
      And…Joanne makes a good point, above.

      • The driver is an “unashamed” Christian…unashamed that what he can read (in the bible) is so self-contradictory and customized for thoughtless reading, yet it is the center of his/her life.

      • I scrolled back to your answer in that Open Thread – and I appreciate your input!


        In answer to your question, I’m a retired pediatrician (1998) who was in a group private practice.  We sold our practice to BC/BS ~ 1993 being cognizant that HMOs & PPOs were taking over practices.

        Let’s just say the direction the practice of medicine was headed made it a very good business decision … almost as good as my leaving practice in 1998.

        • I understand.  A therapist with whom I had worked, for some years, decided to retire when the HMO’s began dictating to us.  

    • I suspect a disgruntled (with Trump, at least) Fox employee was behind the placement of the cross in that graphic.  The opportunity would have been irresistible, and the risk of the unimaginative dimwits who run the place spotting it would have been negligible.

    • Love all three! 04

  6. Fox has lied daily!

  7. Faux Crap has lied from the day of its inception, but it may be that the intensity with which it is doing it now is precisely, and positively, correlated to the sense of doom that is being felt in high Orange places!  How sweet it would be to see Faux Folks go down in orange flames, along with the Empty Orange!  

  8. Faux News has done everything to discredit Mueller and his investigation from day one, but until now have failed miserably. With people from Drumpf’s circle actually getting indicted the pressure is on and Fox has gone all out, i.e. just name-calling, insinuation and defamation without any anchoring in fact, not even in alternative facts. They are just rallying up Drumpf supporters, stoking the fires of the Cold Civil War as Bernstein so aptly calls it.

    Is Fox abetting a cover-up by doing so? That can be proven only in retrospect, when Mueller comes with proof there was/is a conspiracy between the Drumpf team and the Russians and the White House is actively engaged in a cover-up. It’s a technicality that hardly matters. What is far more worrying is your conclusion, TomCat, that this all is in preparation to stop Mueller dead in his tracks when he gets too close. I think you’re right on that; Republicans and Fox have nothing to go on to discredit Mueller, but they do not need evidence of wrongdoing to rally the Drumpf support into action and turn the Cold Civil War into a Hot one.

  9. Faux Noise is pure unadulterated garbage!  It is not news . . . it is opinion at best, right wing nut job opinion!  Thank goodness for Carl Bernstein, someone who has been down this road before and can explain what is happening for those who can’t think.  Are you listening Drumpf supporters?  That’s you!

    Truth will win out!  It just may take some tears and the gnashing of teeth, but it will happen!

  10. Thanks, tired hugs and amen! 28

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