Oct 012010

Yesterday I put up the new poll here to determine our readers’ choice of a replacement for Harry Reid, the Nevada Leg Hound.  The options were gathered here and at BuzzFlash.  I got it up just in time, because yesterday, Leg Hound Harry humped Republican legs in his most cowardly move to date.

Reid-LegHound …Last night, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid decided he’d hold multiple weekly pro-forma Senate sessions during the election-season recess, which will prevent Obama from legally recess appointing his stalled nominees. The reason, according to top Democratic and Republican aides has nothing to do with recess appointments per se, but rather with protecting the rest of Obama’s executive and judicial nominees.

All presidential nominees expire when Congress adjourns for recess, unless the entire Senate agrees they can be carried over to the next session. Obama’s had to renominate several of his picks after recent recesses because of this obscure rule, and with Republicans, and even some Democrats, objecting to so much these days, Reid’s decision will allow all of Obama’s nominees to remain valid when the Senate returns in November… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <TPM>

A far better tactic would be to allow Obama’s nominees to expire, change the Senate rules, outlawing the filibuster and personal holds as allowed in the first session ion January, and confirming them all.  In the meantime, Obama could have made mass recess appointments.  Now, although they let a few of the non controversial nominees through, Republicans will go back to blocking the nominees, and they will expire after the lame duck session anyway.

Keith Olbermann was just as angry as I am in his interview with Ezra Klein.

Reid must be replaced!

On our Teabaggers poll, here are the results.


And here are your comments.

From SoINeedAName on September 16, 2010 at 2:31 pm


It’s only good: Either the American public will wake-up and do the right thing and show the Teapublicans the door – or if certifiable Teahadist hateriots get elected I’ll know to start checking visa requirements on becoming an expat. (I’ll give it to the 2012 elections, but my Passport is always kept current.)


From Annette on September 16, 2010 at 7:02 am


With the mood of this country, it is really hard to say if they will hurt or help. Most of them seem so over the top to me and others, but that seems to be what the people of the right want. I don’t think we will know until after the General Election.

I would think just these candidates would mobilize the left… but am not sure they are even paying attention.


From TWM on September 16, 2010 at 6:23 am


If the left sits this one out it does not matter one whit who they nominate, even a corporation, they will win.


From Lisa G. in reply to TWM on September 22, 2010 at 8:10 am


I’m with you on that, TWM.

I voted good, because they define who the Republicans are, but usually won’t admit.

If you’re new here, the new poll is at the top of the right sidebar.


  6 Responses to “New Poll, Major Outrage, and Poll Results”

  1. I would have gone w/ “Screw you, Teapublicans” and preferred recess appointments en masse. While it would certainly give plenty of fodder for the Faux “news” folks to froth about, what difference would it make? We’re not going to win those lying hateriots over any time soon.

    The only positive thing it does, at least those 110+ appointees whose confirmation is being blocked by Teapublicans (and it’s reaching crisis proportions in the judicial branch) will not have to go through the committee nomination process all over again.

  2. Poor Nevada. Their only choices are the weak kneed, limp wristed Harry Reid or the insance wacko Sharron Angle. Those poor people must surely be breathing something other than oxygen out there…

  3. Damn, I’m glad I don’t live in Nevada.

  4. Harry really needs to be replaced, as if the obvious needed to be stated. I dislike him more than the Blue Dogs, because at least you know how they are gonna vote. 🙄

  5. The filibuster definitely needs to go! I have never really read all the procedural rules of the Senate but that is something I would love to do, and is probably in desperate need of a detailed analysis (and explanation) for the regular folk – similar to your constitution series…

  6. Business as usual for Rushpubliscum water boy “Stepnfetchit” Reid.

    But I, for one, do NOT want the filibuster to go-I just want it to be RESTORED. Right now, all the Rushpubliscums have to do is say “no” and they call it a “filibuster”. In times past, they actually had to take the floor, and state their opposition, to prevent votes. I would love to see Rushpubliscums get up in the Senate gallery and fight for their agenda. It would make for excellent educational theater.

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