Oct 152017

Here is the one hundredth article in our Republicans on Parade series, featuring individuals who personify what the Republican Party has become. Today’s honoree is Republican Nazi organizer Richard Spencer. He is so honored for his Republican attitudes about women’s rights, his Fuhrer, and Caucasians’ place in society.

1015SpencerWhite Nationalist Richard Spencer’s tiki torch rallies in Charlottesville, Virginia, and his distant dream of forming a white ethnostate steal headlines, but his views about women—that their role in politics be shrunk down to a barely visible place that would be unrecognizable to almost anyone in modern America—is seldom highlighted.

I spoke to Spencer this week, and in the context of a discussion about two documents that he admires, the American Naturalization Acts of 1790 and 1795, laws that once set out rules for the United States in limiting naturalization to only free white persons of good moral standing, I pointed out that the U.S. was a fundamentally different country at the turn of the 19th century. More specifically, I asked him if he wanted to return to a time in which women weren’t allowed to vote.

"I’m not terribly excited about voting in general," Spencer said. "I think that mass democracy is a bit of a joke to be honest."

I pressed him on the question again.

“I don’t necessarily think that that’s a great thing,” Spencer said of women voting in U.S. elections… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Newsweek>

That ought to be enough to give this Republican a parade all by itself.  However, just in case you forget who this Republican is, here he is celebrating the infestation of the White House by his Fuhrer.  You need to see this no matter how much it makes you cringe!

Barf Bag Alert!!

Do you want this Republican Nazi hate to become standard here?



  13 Responses to “Republicans on Parade – 10/15/2017”

  1. This is awful !! and frightening, and the fact that he has followers who believe this sheet!! Another attention seeking basTURD!!

  2. One of the most detestable fascists in the world today.  I suppose the only reason he hasn’t had a parade sooner is that he holds no official position.  That doesn’t make him not influential, though.  And hated.  (And trying to tell people that running his mother out of town is not a constructive way to show disapproval is now like trying to put toothpaste back in the tube.)

    WRT immigration, Bill Moyers has an interesting article, an interview with the author of a new book on how much the Nazis learned from America, and immigration law is addressed.

  3. No doubt Spencer would’ve added “MISOGYNIST” to his sign … if he knew how to spell it:

  4. THIS one is repulsive and just plain HORRID! Talk about the worst possible situation!!! He makes tRump look less HORRID! Please tell me this is a scene from a horror movie!
    Thanks for bringing this to light, I guess. You’re beating me to death on FF! ?

  5. Richard Spencer deserves all the honor of being nr. 100 in your Republican parade, he has all the qualifications to be scrutinized here and they can be summed up in three words: a real fascist. And that includes the Nazi misogyny for whom women were little more than breeding machines for “the great Arian race.”

    (completely beside the point) One thing Richard Spencer is not, however, and that is as good looking as British actor Ralph Fiennes whose picture of his portrayal of Göth in Schindler’s List adorns this article. Fiennes is a UNICEF UK ambassador and anything but a fascist. 21

  6. Thanks all!  Hugs! 16

  7. This despicable fascist is a threat to the human race and needs to be incarcerated permanently!  At least he won’t be put to death for his vile ways.  He is lucky he lives in the US where he has the right to think the way he does . . . just don’t give him a mic!  I wonder if he ever thinks about how lucky he is while spreading his hate!

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