Sep 172010

Yesterday was a busy day.  I had a lot of paperwork to do, a dozen phone calls to make, three fantasy lineups to set and about fifty unanswered pieces in my email inbox.  I had some bad news as well.  I am now in the Donut Hole. :-(  Fortunately, I saw it coming and have been salting away part of my disability all rear to fill the void.  I nevertheless managed to catch up on replying to comments.  Catching up on returning visits is today’s goal, after I get home from running errands.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:56.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes: (all good news today)

From Washington Post: The Senate on Thursday passed a long-stalled bill aimed at providing the nation’s small businesses easier access to credit, the latest effort to create jobs and boost the struggling economy.

The House is expected to accept the Senate version and send it to the President next week.

From LA Times: An emergency relief well has successfully intersected BP’s damaged Gulf of Mexico oil well, federal officials announced Thursday night.

It took long enough!

From The Hill: A top Republican on financial issues said Thursday he was concerned that Elizabeth Warren would use a position in a new consumer protection agency to promote "social justice."

Gregg, the ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee and a senior member of the Banking Committee, expressed dismay at President Obama’s decision to tap Warren as a key "adviser" to help set up the new Consumer Financial Protection Agency established in the Wall Street reform bill.

It’s always a good thing when a Republican leader inadvertently admits that his party opposes social justice.

Cartoon: from




  6 Responses to “Open Thread – 9/17/2010”

  1. That’s all fine and good if we could get the big banks to loan money again. Until Glass-Stegall comes back, they can make more on their investments instead of loaning. Way to go jackass Repubs (and thanks to you Mr. Clinton!)! 😑

    Was that relief well #2 or #1 because #1 was supposed to happen in mid August. You can’t believe anything these fuckers are saying and the WH just goes on it’s merry way with it’s head up it’s ass. πŸ‘Ώ

    Well that was a big Freudian slip. What a dumbass! Like we need less, rather than more, social justice. Open mouth, insert foot here. πŸ™„

    Someone should put that snake on a banner and carry it to a Teabagger party. With an armed escort, if need be! πŸ˜‰

    • Lisa, this will end run the banksters by moving federal money through local community banks, but you’re right. We need Glass-Steagall back to put commercial banks back in commercial banking.

      That was #1, which they delayed when they top-killed it.

      Republicans consider justice such an evil thing that, sometimes, they just can’t help themselves.

      Don’t hire Xe, unless you want to get shot in the arse by your own guards.

  2. The “Tea Party Red Meat” cartoon perfectly sums up what I’m observing at right wing events and hearing from Tea Party candidates. Yikes!

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