Jul 182017

I have good news.


Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:20 (average 8:31).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?




  13 Responses to “Personal Update – 7/18/2017”

  1. Cartoon: Word.
    YAY!! You made it to and from, and got through the surgey w/flying colors!! YAY! Now go rest!
    Thanks, Tom

  2. 5:21  Will you feel like eating a whole dog after the medical mayhem, I wonder?  Glad you survived!

    To sign to support the CFPB

    “Two Truths and One Lie”  Can you spot the story that contains an error of fact regarding our money bail system? 

    Cartoon – Maybe not intentional, but still, nice “Star Wars” allusion.

  3. Puzzle — 3:19  Fortunately for the dawg, I was a tich faster.  

    Nice self portrait!  Very dashing with the eye patch!  Actually, looks like my Primo.  I am very happy that you made it through the operation with flying colours like I knew you would.  Please don’t over use the good eye by being online for too long.  Word of the day is


    Cartoon — How true, and how unfortunate!

    Resist and Persist!!!

  4. Glad you have  that over..  I had my first cataract removed at age 56, second at 60, easiest thing I have had done. 

  5. So happy to hear everything went well, TomCat. Now please give both your eye and your mind some rest. Have a catnap on me.

  6. Thanks all!  Hugs! 23

  7. Wonderful news!

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