Elvis Stole NY 23rd Election!

 Posted by at 3:57 am  Politics
Nov 202009

Douglas L. Hoffman has unconceded the election for New York’s 23rd Congressional District yet again.

elvis For the second time this week, Conservative Party congressional candidate Douglas L. Hoffman sought to rescind his concession in the special election in New York’s 23rd district, telling supporters that new information showing the results of the election closer than believed on election night made him reevaluate his decision to throw in the towel.

"I am therefore revoking my statement of concession," he wrote in a fundraising letter titled "Stop Another Stolen Election!" and posted on his Web site Wednesday night.

"ACORN and the unions did their best to try and sway the results to Obamacare supporter Bill Owens," he told supporters, naming the Democrat who claimed victory and has been seated in the House of Representatives, though election results will not be certified until next month. "I was forced to concede after receiving two pieces of grim news – – down 5,335 votes with 93 percent of the vote counted on election night — and barely won my stronghold in Oswego County. On Election Night, the information we received was far different from what we received this week!"

But by Thursday night, Hoffman’s hopes appeared dashed. "It’s over. Rep. Bill Owens, D-Plattsburgh, leads by 3,105 votes with 3,072 absentee ballots left to be counted," the Watertown Daily Times reported.

That this would be the outcome was widely expected, despite Hoffman’s protestations. According to a report last Friday in the Daily Times, "it’s mathematically possible" for Hoffman to pass Rep. Owens in the final count in the 11-county district, but "the math is daunting." Most observers saw little chance that the election outcome would change, with a recent unofficial result reported before Thursday evening showing Hoffman trailing Owens by 2,832 votes and 4,262 absentee ballots remaining to be counted, the Watertown paper reported.

Jerry O. Eaton, Jefferson County Republican elections commissioner, told the Times that Hoffman’s allegations of ballot-tampering and the election having been manipulated or stolen are "absolutely false."

"No one has touched those ballots or has access to those ballots except board of elections staff — and in a bipartisan manner," he said.

Brian Kettenring, ACORN’s deputy director of national operations, called Hoffman’s accusations unworthy of serious response. "We confess we stole the election in the 23rd and our lead staff person for it was Elvis Presley," he said sarcastically. "He ran a first rate organizing effort in the district and we’re proud of his work."…

Inserted from <Washington Post>

Now that ACORN has formally admitted that Elvis stole the Election, I expect Glen Beck to lead a huge hoard (at least 10) of Tea Party Farties in the burning of Elvis DCs.


  2 Responses to “Elvis Stole NY 23rd Election!”

  1. I thought Elvis was manager at a McDonald's in Brazil? That dude sure can multitask!

  2. It's called multiple resurrection.

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