May 152017

Trump’s many crimes are now so obvious that Trumbo is even bragging about them, confident that Democrats are powerless to stop him, because Republicans control both the House and the Senate.  He knows that the possibility that Republicans will ever put America ahead of their own Republican Reich are nil.


For now, Democrats can only ask for the "tapes" that President Donald Trump has suggested may exist of his conversations with fired FBI Director James Comey. But if the party takes back the House next year, it can subpoena them.

The supposed "tapes" are just one of a number of issues Democrats are already plotting to pursue if they win control of Congress’ vast arsenal of investigative powers — raising the stakes on the 2018 congressional midterm elections.

"When we take back the House in 2018, Democrats are going to hold this administration accountable," said Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I., a member of the party leadership. "And we’ll make sure there are real consequences for anyone who tries to use their elected office for personal gain…especially President Trump."…

From <NBC News>


Investigation is just the first step.  The second is to impeach the bastards, including Trump, Pence, Ryan and so far down the Presidential succession queue that the President will be afraid to breathe without bipartisan support.  I am assuming that, if we have taken the House, we will also have taken the Senate.

Campaign 2018 must begin NOW!



  11 Responses to “Flip the House. Impeach the Bastards!”

  1. I think we conceivably can take the House in 2018 – but, even if we don't, if we can take the Senate, we will have SOME subpoena power.

    Everyone is likely aware how, when R Rep. Faso in New York failed to show up at a town meeting where constituents wanted to discuss the Awful Horrible Crap Act, D Rep Sean Patrick Maloney from the next district over showed up instead and addressed their questions.  But you may not have seen that the Progressive Campaign Change Committee (PCCC – an early backet of Liz Warren, BTW) is promoting "adopt-a-district" Town Halls, and, besides New York, two have already happened in Wisconsin (D Pocan for R Ryan) and Arizona (D Gallego for R McSally).  "Since these Republicans won't explain their actions to their constituents, heroic Democrats are doing it instead."

    Now, as to impeachment – which is definitely to be sired, and for it to go all the way down – remember that the line goes:  Vice President, Speaker, of the House, President Pro-Tem of the Senate, and then on to and through the Cabinet.  The President Pro-Tem of the Senate is NOT the Senate Majority Leader, as I thought it was when I began researching.  It is the longest-serving Senator of the majority party.  That would be Orrin Hatch.  Let me point out that Hatch is the ONLY person in the entire chain who was neither chosen by Trump not an apologist for Trump pushing his agenda.  I mean, God knows, he's bad enough, but he may be the least worst possibility. ANd it is likely to appoint an all new cabinet, and he is NOT likely to seek re-election at his age.

  2. I'm with you, investigate, impeach, and get him outta there!! NOW!


  3. I'm not in the 7th district in N.J., though I do have a democratic comngresswoman, in Bonnie Watson Coleman, and she is good stuff!


  4. Imagine how much could be accomplished if the Republicans were not recalcitrant and childish!  Their sole goal is POWER!  They do not give a rat's ass what they do or who they hurt as long as they stay in power and make the rules.  Drumpf thinks he is king and what he says goes.  Remember Republicans complaining about Obama that he thought he was king?  To my knowledge, he never presented himself that way, but Drumpf sure does.  Running a country is NOT like running a business where the owner has the last say.  Drumpf is not a leader.  He is a parasite feeding on the fear he pumps into some of the people aka his supporters.

    Investigate with independent prosecutors and then impeach the entire rancid bunch of them!


    Resist and Persist!!!

    until it hurts if you have to!!!

  5. No doubt about it, Democrats need to flip the House, and the Senate when they're at it. But I'm not holding my breath, having seen the same determination to vote every Republican out of office in the past election. And the midterms before it, come to think of it. The result was only more Republican seats in Congress and a very divided Democratic party.

    It isn't just Drumpf America is dealing with, Republicans have had wreaked havoc on the democratic system for at least a decade now with gerrymandering, seats carved in stone for some of the Freedom Caucus candidates, voter disenfranchisement, the 1% literally buying the Republican seats with their unlimited support, financially and any other way they can think of., possibly even with foreign aid…America has become a plutocracy and Drumpf is now firmly on the way to turn it into a dictatorship, making sure that he, and the GOP, will stay in power no matter what.

    So while the efforts to flip the House and then hold Drumpf, and Republicans, accountable for what they're doing now, are very laudable, they also beg the question: CAN AMERICA AFFORD TO WAIT UNTIL 2018? I'm sorry, but I don't think you can.




  6. Step 1:  Elect Dem majority in the House in 2018.

    Step 2:  Elect Dem Speaker of the House.

    Step 3:  Impeach Trump and Pence (he's implicated in some of this stuff).

    Step 4:  Dem Speaker becomes President.

  7. Last night I was laying in bed, trying to depoliticize my brain for the night and it hit me.  It was obvious!  How could I have been so incredibly dense.  ARGH!!  Since the Speaker of the House succeeds the VP in succession, and since a Democratic House will have a Democratic Speaker, all we have to do is inpeach the Fuhrer and Pence.  Of course Infidel is correct

    Thanks and Hugs!

    • If we fail to flip the House, but do flip the Senate, the President ProTem will be Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT).  I believe he was just re-elected, as his time in office is 42 years 4 months as of today.

      • But if we fail to flip the House, Republicans are not likely to Impeach the Fuhrer.  And even if they did impeach Trump and Pence,l they would never impeacj their Speaker, Lyin' Ryan.

  8. We ALL have to participate in 2018!! Get Out The Vote. Women's rights groups. Immigration. HEALTHCARE. POLLUTION and many, MANY more issues are on the chopping block for ANYONE to sit back and say, "Eh, someone else will do it"!!! We HAVE to become INVOLVED! Put up signs, post videos, write FACTUAL stories and share them online! So, SO many things that can be done without leaving home or staying close to home!!!!


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