Sep 032010

Yesterday I caught up with comments.  I took a break to resolve a health insurance issue, and, when I returned, the site was down.  A server failure at my HSP caused the problem, but we were offline most of the day.  As a result, I returned no visits.  Now I will fall behind again, because I’ll be tied up all day.  I’m meeting with the friend I mentioned in my article on MERS to help her prevent a foreclosure on a loan she was trying to renegotiate.  The only reason she fell behind on her payments is that the bankster told her to do so to qualify for the federal program.  I hope to catch up tomorrow.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it tool me 3:44.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From NY Times: BP is warning Congress that if lawmakers pass legislation that bars the company from getting new offshore drilling permits, it may not have the money to pay for all the damages caused by its oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

I anticipated this, and I suspect that the reason the Obama administration is allowing BP to continue operations in the Gulf is to keep them paying.

From Common Dreams: A shallow-water production rig in the Gulf of Mexico exploded this morning [yesterday], causing the thirteen crew members aboard to abandon the structure.

Coast Guard rescuers are en route to the scene of the fire, 90 miles south of Vermilion Bay, Coast Guard Petty Officer Bill Colclough said. Twelve of the workers are in immersion suits, designed to protect them from hypothermia. One is reported injured.

I hope the workers are safe anp pray this is not the next gusher.

From (H/T Daily Kos)  Biblical Marriage 😉

Cartoon: from


TGIF!  Is everyone safe from Earl?


  4 Responses to “Open Thread – 9/3/2010”

  1. Totally great video. Gotta send this to all my backwoods cousins. They’d sure go along with that sister thing. And the condiment.

  2. Yes Tom Cat, true Republican Nazi Family Values. Best Republican video I have seen on Republican Marriage of the American Christian Taliban Nazi’s.

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