May 102017

For those who did not see it until today, the Care2 Glitch Monster ate my Personal Update yesterday, and I had to upload it again this morning.  I’m working late because I expect a grocery delivery after 3:00 and Wendy comes this evening to de-stink the TomCat.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:00 (average 5:26).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (GQ Channel): On Russia, Let’s Follow the Money | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann


No matter what you follow, you find corruption and treason all along the Republican path to power. RESIST!!

From Think Progress: A reporter has been arrested for pressing Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price to say whether or not the Trump health care bill would make it harder for domestic violence survivors to obtain insurance.

West Virginia police arrested Dan Heyman at the state capitol Tuesday as he walked with Price and White House adviser Kellyanne Conway, holding a recorder out and asking Price repeatedly about claims that insurers could refuse to serve survivors of familial abuse. That claim is based on inference from the bill’s provision allowing states to abandon consumer protections from Obamacare with federal permission.

Heyman had sought out Price on his way into the capitol.

“At some point, I think [they] decided I was too persistent in asking this question and trying to do my job, so they arrested me,” Heyman told West Virginia Metro News. Heyman was later charged with “willful disruption of a governmental process,” according to the news service.

Republicans hate the First Amendment. RESIST!!

From Reuters: U.S. President Donald Trump will meet Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at the White House on Wednesday to discuss Syria and a wide range of international issues, a senior U.S. official said.

It will be the highest-level contact between Trump and the government of Russian President Vladimir Putin since Trump took office on Jan. 20.

Putin’s Pervert has to check in with his boss’ representative. RESIST!!




  14 Responses to “Open Thread – 5/10/2017”

  1. 4:48  Can't save this one.

    Keith #72 – Follow the money indeed.  You gotta love the way Keith tosses off lines such as "Goddamned golf courses," and "like, y'know, Putin spies" and "y'know, treason!"

    TP – Like the woman who laughed at Sessions's confirmation hearing when someone tried to describe him as a civil rights hero.  She has been convicted of disruption.  I don't know who will be sentencing, but she could get as much as a year in jail, prison, whatever.

    Reuters – They have met.  The American press was NOT invited.  The Russian press WAS invited, and has released pictures.

    Cartoon – I'm not exactly speechless, but the flood of thoughts is so huge it paralyzes me, which has the same effect.

  2. this only incites hate these creators need to be cited as hate criminals this is beyond free speech as it encourages the hate of a specific group .Is trump trying to deflect attention from his conflict of interest of oil as he has an interest in PHILLIP66  this pisses me off! THIS IS A HATE CRIME PURE AND SIMPLE

  3. Oh – it's the Rethuglican elephant saying "I hope they incuded Qu'rans!" Not you, Tomcat. And there are probably some who think, and maybe even dare say, "I hope they included Bibles!" No book deserves to be burned – except, perhaps, for "The Turner Diaries" and "Mein Kampf", as well as novelizations of movies that should never have been made.

  4. KO: I never cared much for golf before this…all of a sudden its interesting!    

  5. TP: You can't ask questions, you can't laugh.  Suddenly these are criminal behaviors!  Adolph, are you having fun yet?

    Reuters: Boy, I certainly hope Lavrov does not laugh at an inauspicious time!

    • I hear he's laughing now – at the humiliation of America, as demostrated by the fact that Putin could force Trump to meet with him in the White House, and get pictures, when the American press were left out – and then show off by publishing those pictures. 

  6. KO: WOW!! This is good, just follow the money $$$$ !!! FORE!!! 😉

    TP: This is getting scary. Really scary!!

    Reuters: Just read Joanne's comment. Wow, this is disgraceful !! The id has to go. Somewhere, but not where he's at now.

    Cartoon: This is what's on their minds, frightening to think this.

    Hope that you get your chores done. Enjoy your evening, and Thanks, Tom.

  7. Puzzle — 3:45  With the amount of fur, that must be a cat . . . a strange looking one to be sure!

    YouTube — One has to admire Keith for his way with words and nailing a point.  Whenever there is a scandal in business or politics, famous words "follow the money" are the most telling.  And of course, the narcissistic fool that Drumpf is, he can't resist going on about money and power, and thus drawing attention to his own complicity.  Drumpf deserves a 20 year supply of orange jumpsuits.

    Think Progress — I read about this yesterday.  Drumpf is not under attack by the Fourth Estate.  It is the Fourth Estate that is under attack by the Drumpf administration.  When you take this incident and the firings of Preet Bharara, Sally Yates, and now James Comey, it all indicates that Drumpf is running scared.  Under all this smoke, there are very hot flames burning.

    Reuters — Drumpf is his own worst enemy.  Want to talk about a Russian connection, ask why the Russian press was allowed at the meeting with Lavrov and the American press was not.

    Cartoon — When I think of book burnings in more recent times, I think of Pastor Terry Jones of Florida who threatened and finally did burn the Qur'an.  Book burnings are the product of weak, unintelligent minds bend by fear, and do not accomplish their original intent.


    Resist and Persist!!!

    You were waiting for groceries this afternoon while I was anticipating an eggplant and meat stew (similar to mousaka, only much better) for dinner which Neda (my student) made.  It was soooooooooooooooo good, I could eat it for a week every fortnight.  I have to learn how to make it!  That and celery stew, and my own veggie, barley soup — all I need plus cereal for breakfast. 

  8. Happy Cleaning tonight, TomCat.

    Keith Olbermann & TP: Spot on, Keith. And I'm sure Comey was doing exactly that. But who's going to do it now? It looks like it's up to investigating reporters again. Until they are stopped by this dictator and his cronies, which can't be too far in the future. Not when people are already sentenced for laughing during Session's swearing in. And certainly not when a senior reporters who follows Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price,  repeatedly asking him if domestic violence is a pre-existing condition in Drumpfcare, gets no answer but is arrested and then freed on $5000 bail.

    Reuters: " It will be the highest-level contact between Trump and the government of Russian President Vladimir Putin since Trump took office on Jan. 20." Yeah, right. Drumpf fires Comey and the next day Secretary of State, Tillerson met with Lavrov first. But Russia's Foreign Minister has specific orders from his boss and won't be doffed by just talking to the staff, so he also spoke with Drumpf, to make sure instructions from Putin are clear and understood. Makes you wonder what Drumpf will get in return for axing Comey.



  9. Thanks all!  Hugs!

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