Aug 262010

Republican Congressman Mike Pence proved once again that the GOP only has one plan for the economy: No Millionaire Left Behind!

26pence Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) went on Fox News last night to back up House Minority Leader John Boehner’s (R-OH) over-the-top call for President Obama to sack his entire economic team, including Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and top adviser Larry Summers. “The President ought to ask for and accept the resignation of the Secretary of the Treasury and Larry Summers, and he ought to bring a new team,” Pence said.

But beyond that, Pence, like the rest of his GOP colleagues, didn’t offer any ideas of his own that would help the ailing economy. When host Greta Van Susteren asked what, besides tax cuts, he would do to turn the economy around, Pence at first dodged, but then said tax cuts for the rich would be the way to go [Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda delinked]:

VAN SUSTEREN: What — besides the sort of the usual — the — you know, the tax program, extending the Bush tax cuts that I know the Republican Party want, what is it that you could do to turn it around?

PENCE: Yes, look, the enemy of our prosperity is uncertainty. … the greatest uncertainty right now is — and you just heard — you heard the Vice President again kind of defend it in passing, their tax cuts — their tax increases on the rich — is this administration actually thinks that it would be a good idea to allow a tax increase on job creators on January 1st, 2011. You know, higher taxes never got anybody hired.

Watch it:


In addition to creating massive deficits, extending the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest 2 percent of Americans would do little to help the economy and create jobs. In fact, the evidence suggests that if the GOP got their tax cuts for the rich, the economy could get worse. After the Bush tax cuts were enacted, the country “registered the weakest jobs and income growth in the post-war period.”… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Even in the soft-ball atmosphere of the Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise, Pence was unable to come up with one more thing.  As much as pundits say that Democrats can’t run against the past, they fail to point out that the past is the only future the Republican Party offers.  We know where eight years of No Millionaire Left Behind took this country.  For that reason:

Every Republican in office is one Republican too many.

  7 Responses to “Tax Cuts for the Rich and What Else? Tax Cuts for the Rich!”

  1. Every Republican in office is one Republican too many.

    That has to be the battle cry…

  2. Pence is another ignoramus that is allowed to serve the people because he has an R after his name. This is a RESTORATION of a previous temporary tax cut.

  3. How many Democrats are in the House? How many in the Senate? How many in the White House?

    Blame the Republicans all you want, but ever since Jan 21, 2009, the Democrats have been in complete control.

    They even have enough Dems in the Senate to end the filibuster rule, so they have ZERO excuses for their poor performance over the past two years.

    The problem is, The Dems have been taken over by the Blue Dog DINO Fascists, just as the Republicans were taken over by the Neocon-Fascists.

    Now it doesn’t matter which party is in control, the only difference is the Dems give us “little people” a much bigger bone when they write their laws for their plutocratic overlords.

    • Kevin, some of what you say has merit, but you seem to blame all Democrats. The actuality is that there have been just enough DINOs in the senate to prevent the real Dems from doing what you suggest. I am actively supporting the rule changes on the first day of the 2010 session.

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