Aug 262010

Alan Simpson put his foot in his mouth big time, and in the process provoked rage from women across the country.  However, he deserves anger from all of us, not just women.

26Simpson Former Sen. Alan Simpson needed only a few ill-chosen words to udderly [sic] infuriate a lot of Americans.

He compared Social Security to "a milk cow with 310 million t-ts."

The barnyard boo-boo by the cochairman of President Obama’s fiscal commission outraged feminists, Social Security recipients and many liberal Democrats.

Independent Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Peter DeFazio, a Democrat, called the comments "beyond comprehension" and asked the President to remove Simpson from the bipartisan National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform.

The National Organization for Women said Simpson was unfit to lead the reform effort.

Simpson, 78, quickly apologized for his not so bons mots.

The Wyoming Republican, known for his biting sense of humor, goofed-up in an e-mail earlier this week to Ashley Carson, executive director of the Older Women’s League.

He took issue with a column Carson wrote accusing him of "ageism and sexism" for weighing Social Security cuts… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NY Daily News>

Keith Olbermann and Erik Kingson discuss Simpson, the Cat Food Commission, and Social Security.

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To answer Simpson’s false claim, the way to deal with Social Security is to eliminate the income cap, but Keith is right.  Social security has nothing to do with the deficit.  The only possible reason to cut benefits or raise the retirement age is to set the system up for stealing the trust, over $2 trillion in T-Bills.  Social security should be placed off the table, period.  Find the savings in war spending and corporate welfare.  As for Simpson, he should be fired immediately.  Obama appointed him early when bending over backwards to be bipartisan.

Also, Simpson personifies the Republican attitude that Social Security is a form of welfare.  It is not.  I may be sucking on the … never mind …, but I spent a lifetime buying the damn cow!


  8 Responses to “Fire the Republican Cat Food Commission Chair!”

  1. Yeah this guy is a disgrace. He must go but I don’t think Obama will call for it. I think he’ll go when the kitchen becomes to hot. We’re getting there. I’ve been talking about social security for years now. I know it’s their agenda. I believe Reagan was the first to tap into it. He had to, he thought. Cutting takes made him popular, but they just can’t seem to leave it alone. Don’t they realize they may go blind.

    • Tim, I don;t think that anyone has “tapped into it” per se. Sure they spent the money, but they replaced it with interest bearing T-Bills, still the most stable investment in the world.

  2. Tom, this may be a simplistic view, but one thing that has always pissed me off is the attitude by many that SS is something coming from the government and GIVEN away, while ignoring the fact that everyone receiving SS has contributed their entire working life and is simply getting their own money back.

    • Charles, that’s exactly what I meant when I said: “Also, Simpson personifies the Republican attitude that Social Security is a form of welfare. It is not. I may be sucking on the … never mind …, but I spent a lifetime buying the damn cow!”

  3. Charles – you nailed it. If freaking SS had been placed in a money market account when it started with a mandate that Congress can’t touch it, it would be solvent until the Earth blew up, including increases for age expectancy, COLA increases disabled, and children missing a parent. And it wasn’t the tits thing that pissed me off. I’m pissed off about the “lesser people” comment. As someone on Huff Po said yesterday:
    “I’ve been paying into SS for decades and now this crypt keeper is going to tell me I can’t have my money?? Fuck you!”

    He’s right – the crypt keeper should go back to his home and sit in his wet Depends as punishment, as he clearly doesn’t know how this new media thingy works.

  4. What is unforgivable is that Van Jones so offended Glenn Beck that he raved and ranted to the Reich-wingers glued to Faux Noose, until the White House forced Jones to resign.

    Simpson is recorded making a clearly derogatory statement against women and senior citizens producing valid protests from progressives. And the White House? They simply accept Simpson’s apology and will allow to continue to serve.


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