McCrorystan Strikes Back

 Posted by at 11:51 am  Politics
Dec 172016

Frankly, I thought we were done with the Republican Racist Theocracy of McCrorystan and its TEAfuhrer, Pat McCrory, after Roy Cooper destined him to unemployment lines and prowling Ladies Rooms in search of transgender women.  Unfortunately, he is taking a parting shot with the help of the state’s fascist legislature.


North Carolina Gov.-elect Roy Cooper on Thursday threatened to file a lawsuit against the state’s GOP-dominated Legislature over Republicans’ push to sharply limit gubernatorial powers before Cooper takes office.

"If I believe these measures are unconstitutional, they will see me in court and they don’t have a good track record there," Cooper, currently the state attorney general and a Democrat, said at a news conference. Cooper said the Legislature was pushing to pass major changes to the state’s laws "in the dark of night with little debate." The new bills are being considered as part of a special session originally convened to consider disaster relief.

"Most people might think this is a partisan power grab, but it’s really more ominous," Cooper said…

From <Politico>

More ominous indeed.  There is no precedent, as Chris Hayes and Rachel Maddow confirm.

A ‘legislative coup’ in North Carolina

The GOP-led legislature moves to sharply reduce the power of new Democratic governor Roy Cooper before he even takes office.

NC GOP governor McCrory signs powergrab laws, hands out favors

Colin Campbell, political reporter for The News & Observer, talks with Rachel Maddow about the shocking set of last minute laws passed by North Carolina Republicans and signed by outgoing governor Pat McCrory to strip power from the newly elected Democratic Governor Roy Cooper.


Republicans here and elsewhere are not even trying to be subtle.  I think they fear that they have only four years to rape and pillage our nation before voters regain their sanity.



  13 Responses to “McCrorystan Strikes Back”

  1. You know, I love North Carolina.  I was stationed there happily for almost three years.  I bought a house (and continued to hold it as a rental property for years).  I had a Girl Scout troop there of which I am still terribly proud.  To have elected McCrory, there must, yes, be people there, many of them, of below average intelligence.  But there are also many with a great deal of intelligence indeed, and many of them will not watch this in silence (Rev. Dr. William J. Batber, [Jr or II, not sure which is correct], leaps to mind, but he is not alone.  Republicans must think Tar Heels are a LOT dumber than I think they are.  I wish the people of North Carolina only the best.  Oh, and thank you for featuring this.  It's extremely important.

    RESIST !!!

    • You said it, Joanne: RESIST! We need to start building the resistance against Trump and his bugnut policies NOW! We need to unite, form coalitions across a wide variety of causes, and stand together if we are going to not only stymie Donald T. Rump but also take back our country and restore the voice of the "little guy" in government.

      • One thing the effort to get the electoral college to do its duty MAY accomplish is – apparently there are demonstrations lined up to occur at every statehouse in ever capital of every state.  Those demonstrations may be the start of coalitions, whatever happens.  I hope so.

  2. I too, love NC., lived there for a few years, raising family. Have good memories of the TarHeel State.

    THIS is really low and cold-blooded of the RePugs. Sneaky snakes!!  Mr. Cooper:  "They will see me in court".


  3. I cannot believe the way that the repukkklican are doing the things that they do in STATE politics! The presidency is bad ENOUGH! Glad I don't live in NC.!!! .

  4. I love NC, too, have friends there, and have vacationed there.  I am sorry the state is getting such a bad rep due to their state government.  This power grab by the Republicans in NC is basically futile, the new governor has all ready told them he would sse them in court.  They are on the way out and they know it.  Now, I wish the same would happen here in Kentucky.

  5. McCrory and the GOP are sore losers in North Carolina. 
    They want to ride on the coattails of the fascist Drumpf Electoral College fraud power grab. 
    McCrory and the GOP are so pathetic. 

    • And they called Gore a sore loser in 2000. Qui parle! Anyway, I love to visit North Carolina, and will continue to do so. I won't give up on my yearly beer pilgrimage because I believe in supporting local, small businesses. Last time I was there, a lot of them had signs in defiance of NC's bathroom law displayed.

  6. I saw this yesterday and I am glad you brought up.  I was dumbfounded by the audacity of these moronic Republican legislators.  I hope the new governor takes them to court and cleans their clocks.  It is time that NC had some decent governance and not a bunch of bigoted hacks.

  7. Totally revolting – if I still lived there, I would be protesting, too.  The arrogance of these Rethuglicans needs to be checked and checked big time.  Any petitions out there on this?

  8. Thanks all.  While outrage is a cycle, causes for it are so frequent that the cycle is measured in GhZ,

  9. These people demonstrate how scum rises to the surface!

    In my lovely state of NJ, we have a nasty Governor, who is demonstrateing EXACTLY the puss filled, vile and venous character that he blames the local newspapers for claiming that he has:  He's pushing a bill to allow Legal Notices robe published on a company's website, rahter than be reqired to be published in the press.  The papers are surviving on just a bit of profit, and the apparently 7% of income they may no longer get from the notices may put them under.  This POS, bully, infamously playing Richard Nixon, when he proclamed "I am not a bully!" gives not a damn for the longer term consequences of his actions, as the GOPigs never do…unless he is hoping that the loss of newspapers will make it still easier for the GOPigs to push their propaganda with even less resistance.  

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